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I can almost guarantee....

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Member since
October 2020

479 posts

Posted Fri April 22, 2022 10:11pmReport post

I've been down a hole of searching for local media case round ups in the local papers... A gent very similar to my partners case, 3 counts of making and a minimal amount has been named and shamed in the round up of magistrates court...

I can almost envision now the instance of our case. It seems that they're not letting anyone out go with these cases.

I'm genuinely starting to panic now. I can feel my heart racing and breaking. I won't be able to face this head on.


Member since
June 2021

473 posts

Posted Sat April 23, 2022 3:18pmReport post

Hi Blackhound,

I no you don't feel like you will get through this but you will, honestly, as they say today's news is tomorrow chip paper, come on here if you are struggling and I'm sure if not me there will be some one willing to listen to you xx I no its scary trust me but you can get through it x here if you need to chat xxxx we have your back xxx


Member since
August 2021

39 posts

Posted Sun April 24, 2022 1:13pmReport post


My husband was communication and sentanced to a custodial following vigilante sting that was put all over social media. But we were able to manage the social media side of it by not being on the sites and a lot of people we know thankfully don't use it.

The media side was my biggest fear with his sentancing so completely get where you're coming from. Much like everyone says it very much depends on 'what's happening that day'. On the day of my husbands sentancing there were much larger cases and involving contact offences and murders so nothing was written for magistrates or crown court. It very much to pot luck which I think is very unfair, especially on families. I know it's hard but try stay off of Google and other sites, they can make everything spiral so much. Hoping for the best for you all


Member since
September 2021

97 posts

Posted Sun April 24, 2022 3:15pmReport post

Hi Blackhound,

Please try and stay off google! It's been almost 9 months since our court case, nothing was reported by the paper but my god so called friends went straight to a vigilante group and it was posted on every social media outlet possible. I felt absolutely crippled at first, as if everybody knew our story. Or should I say the half truth story posted by this vigilante group. It took me a long time to get past that but every now and then I buckle. Today I have been google searching us both and it's brought up the vigilante story again :(

WHY???? all it does is torture me and truly anger me. We've come so far I feel as though this has been a 2 steps back kind of day xx


Member since
October 2020

479 posts

Posted Sun April 24, 2022 11:14pmReport post

Thanks everyone for your words... It's starting to get real and I don't have a good track record of staying put when things get difficult...

I often shut down and refuse to believe it's happening... Which is why this is throwing my anxiety for 7... I don't get daily anixety of anything like that so I hate feeling it when it comes... I have to keep reminding myself... As my partner reminded me there's no use worrying until we know more...

It's just terrifying, I hate the idea of people knowing and my heart goes out to those who have been stung by vigilantes... It's disgusting that people take these things into their own hands.

Haven't they got jobs to go to and lives to lead? If they have the time to invest in vigilantes stings to 'save the community from monsters', then surely they could invest their time giving back positive things like litter picking or volunteering...

But I really don't know what will happen so...


Member since
June 2019

208 posts

Posted Mon April 25, 2022 2:52pmReport post

Hi Blackhound

I feel exactly the same way as you! My partner has not even been charged yet but the thought of it in the's unimaginable???? He was caught by a vigilante sting, tho far away from where we live and it wasn't live small grace!
Does your husband have a court date? I know of about 5 ladies who I am in contact with and not one of their husbands cases has been in the media. I think there are an awful lot that don't get reported. You can write to the judge or cps I'm pretty sure and ask for certain info to be not read out in court, maybe ask your solicitor about this.

Wishing you all the best????

mabel xx
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