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Member since
December 2021

178 posts

Posted Wed April 27, 2022 10:44amReport post

So after thinking whilst life is still difficult with lots of challenges connected to my husbands conviction but and believing we can move on, yesterday we were hit with another massive blow my beautiful nephew was arrested following an allegation of rape. My sister and her family were woken in the early hours by police and the whole family relived the same situation we had experienced last year following the knock. After undergoing the trauma of the arrest, the interrogation, the solitude of a police cell and sheer anxiety he was released without any charge and no conditions. I spent the whole day and overnight in tears and feel our family is undergoing some sort of targeting due to my husbands conviction. As a family who have always been law abiding this is a total shock again. We feel broken atm, I am so close to my sister and her family and feel I am reliving the pain we endured last year. The police informed my sister the allegations from the accuser have not been substantiated and she may ultimately be prosecuted for wasting police time! I am devastated and heartbroken that my nephew has had to go through a similar interrogation that my husband has been through. Once again we are back in that same dark place I never ever wanted to go to again.


Member since
July 2021

874 posts

Posted Wed April 27, 2022 12:22pmReport post

Hi Katie,

I'm so sorry you've had yet something else to deal with. I totally sympathise with you. My ex is currently awaiting plea for the same thing and his Mum is distraught, the situation around it is questionable as I know who is accusing him and it isn't the first or even second time she's done this but that's for a trial to work out I suppose although I am surprised it's got this far as the evidence so far isn't compelling but it may be because of another recent conviction. It's so difficult with crimes like this to look as though you're caring towards those who are accused and we're expected to always believe the victim (which in 99.9% cases is right) but those few who fall foul of it go through hell and back. I hope they get to the bottom of it and justice is served where it belongs. Being accused of things like that when not true is a horrible thing for somebody to do to another and makes it so hard for real victims to get deserved justice. Thinking of you all xx


Member since
December 2021

178 posts

Posted Wed April 27, 2022 9:14pmReport post

Thank you so much BaffledB, it is an outrage that some people do want to accuse for some sordid reason as opposed to being genuine but in the meantime destroying a person and their whole family for what benefit I really don't know. What I do know is this wreckless behaviour undermines the real and genuine victims of this crime and the men and women out there who are too frightened to report a genuine offence. I hope your ex has a positive outcome soon and can get some closure. xx
I would also like to thank the Forum team for sending me a personal email offering further support, I am so grateful for all the support, advice and information I have received from this forum and its members and I will always be eternally grateful.
I have been in touch with my therapist today who has provided more coping strategies and has increased my sessions as a result.