Family and Friends Forum


Member since
August 2021

20 posts

Posted Wed April 27, 2022 1:49pmReport post

How do you come to fully forgive and move forward from what your partner has done? I have struggled my whole life with letting things go and forgiving, and it's proving to be a challenge here, unsurprisingly. Sometimes I feel that I'm moving forward and have fully forgiven, but then other times feel angry or sad or like it's hard to separate what he's done from who he is. It's a roller coaster of ups and downs, and I feel dejected when, after feeling good about things, start to backslide into feeling overwhelmed or like I can't let it go.


Member since
June 2021

472 posts

Posted Wed April 27, 2022 3:16pmReport post

Hi purplepen22,

I think it will take a while, we are nearly 2 years on from sentencing and because the last 2 years had been hell with ss I am struggling with my mental health which I feel like if it hadn't of been for him I wouldn't be where I am today, but I do love him and we are working through it, as his po said I can't keep throwing it at him he can't change wat he has done but we can move on, to be fair when I have my low moments he takes everything I throw at him, I feel quite bad because he is truly sorry but unfortunately that doesn't help us the wives/mums who have to deal with everything xx

I am hoping it will get better eventually it's whether u can weather the storm as they say xx

Edited Wed April 27, 2022 3:17pm


Member since
April 2022

134 posts

Posted Wed April 27, 2022 6:56pmReport post

I completely feel the same, my other half is doing as much as he possibly can to make amends and so I agree I can't keep on having a go at him, however some days the anger just gets me and I want to wring his neck (I don't mean that literally, don't worry). It is still very early days for us, we are nearly 3 months since the knock, but I simply can't get passed the fact that my lovely husband of nearly 20 years has done this to me. It's the biggest test of a marriage that I have ever known.....


Member since
October 2020

479 posts

Posted Wed April 27, 2022 7:26pmReport post


But also choice .. forgiveness is a feeling but it is also a choice... You choose to forgive someone everyday for their transgressions... In time your choice becomes a feeling...

Then the feeling you have is a state of mind...

Ann P

Member since
February 2020

169 posts

Posted Thu May 5, 2022 10:46amReport post

I haven't posted here for a really long time. I am 5 years post knock, sentencing etc. I stayed with my partner as financially couldn't afford to separate.

I stil find it hard/impossible to forgive him. It's had a devastating effect on the family and its ruined an important part of my life. I'm sad every day because of what he did.