Family and Friends Forum

Moving prisons and contact approval

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Member since
May 2022

12 posts

Posted Tue May 3, 2022 12:03pmReport post

Hi, my husband's just over half way in his sentence for distribution of iioc. He moved prisons last week - no prior warning, one hour notice to pack his things.

It took nearly 4 months for my daughter to be approved for face to face contact at the first prison. I've just been told it has to go through the whole process with PPU again now he's moved.

Just wondering if others have been in this situation: did it take as long the second time round? Can it be approved at one prison but rejected at others? Is there anything I can do on the outside? He's now at HMP.

This whole 'journey' feels like a game of snake and ladders. A tiny bit of progress and optimism but you're never far away from being set back twenty squares :( plenty of snakes around too...

Edited by moderator Wed May 4, 2022 9:53am