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Being a dad

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Member since
January 2022

29 posts

Posted Wed May 4, 2022 9:38amReport post

I'm just wandering about what happens when my daughters dad is released from prison. My daughter loves her dad very much but will he ever be able to attend any of her sports events/ dance competitions. What about parents evenings as there in a school? There's nothing in his shpo that's says he can't but maybe he just shouldn't. What do others do about this. Will he just be one of those fathers that doesn't really take part.

I'd love peoples experiences after release because I have no idea how this is going to work.

Distressed and pregnant

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November 2020

942 posts

Posted Wed May 4, 2022 10:00amReport post


We're not at that stage yet as our daughter is only 14 months old but I have given it a lot of thought. There's absolutely no reason why he shouldn't attend school events or any other activities if no restrictions on SHPO. The only thing that I can think of is if people know him there (partners case in media but no pictures) but even then I don't think anyone would say anything directly to us. I think I'd probably be the person taking pictures or videos if allowed (most places don't allow it now anyway) and I'd make sure his phone was always in his pocket to eliminate any wrongful accusations. Sending love xx


Member since
March 2022

439 posts

Posted Wed May 4, 2022 12:12pmReport post

Say is somone got a suspended sentence for a short time and they have a shpo for 2/5 years after there time is done on both are they then off the sex register and back to normal? Can they then do what they like . I asume social will always be involved and have rules nomatter what but in the term of the law they can go about there business were ever and whenever ?

Smile through tears

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September 2021

2490 posts

Posted Wed May 4, 2022 1:40pmReport post

Makes me feel very sad when I read about all the life changing restrictions you face when charged with a sex offence.

It just seems unfair when there's no doubt people walking freely on the streets a lot more dangerous.

But like Lee said top priority is to avoid situations that could possibly turn difficult.
This is such a horride journey and I feel for you mums & children.

Edited Wed May 4, 2022 1:45pm


Member since
March 2022

439 posts

Posted Wed May 4, 2022 1:57pmReport post

Thank you for your responses . The school havnt been told about my situation as far as I'm aware but maybe this is because we don't have a charge yet .the social worker has never been in touch since . Last time I spoke to the police (before I lost trust and respect for the women) she said the school won't be informed the issues are at home not at school but goodness knows. I asume now he could attend with me to the school because he isn't actually on the register yet but he stays well away anyway . I understand all th se places need to know ect . Just dread the days when they do I feel normal at the school at the moment and noone knows what's going on . Last question sorry , so when the 5 years ect pass for being on the register then the partner can have access to the children .


Member since
March 2022

439 posts

Posted Wed May 4, 2022 2:33pmReport post

Yea unsupervised access to his own children xx

Edited Wed May 4, 2022 2:34pm


Member since
January 2022

29 posts

Posted Wed May 4, 2022 3:14pmReport post

Thank you for all the responses they've been so helpful.

With regards to getting unsupervised access is this something you do when your child is older. Like there deemed in the age range of being able to self protect. Would ss consider unsupervised contact with younger children, 5 or 6 years old. Do you have to request an assessment be carried out.

Thank you


Member since
August 2021

39 posts

Posted Wed May 4, 2022 8:51pmReport post

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Edited Wed May 4, 2022 8:52pm


Member since
August 2021

39 posts

Posted Wed May 4, 2022 8:51pmReport post

I thought I had thought of everything but school plays, sports day etc hadn't crossed my mind.

Our child won't be in school for a couple years yet and had thought about my husband not picking up/collecting and our child not having sleepovers etc. Is so sad how everything is affected so much.

Just a question, has anyone had any problems with schools once they found out? Or any difficulties with parents/how people are with your children?

I moved after everything and my husband recieved a custodial and I will probably move once probation and ss etc are done, to get a fresh start, but feel they'll always be a worry about people knowing.