Family and Friends Forum

Judges comments

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Sarah ??

Member since
January 2021

177 posts

Posted Wed May 4, 2022 7:50pmReport post

Infuriated by a judges comment when reading the local paper today. How on earth do we break the taboo, stigma and misinformation if this is how the people at the top view the most common pathway into this form of offending? Surely change has to start with educating those who have the chance to implement change.

'Judge ******** said if someone moved from adult pornography to indecent images of children it was because they had a sexual interest in children.'

If the family of this person are on here (active or just observers) I am thinking of you xxx


Member since
July 2021

874 posts

Posted Thu May 5, 2022 9:07amReport post

The whole system is so wrong, I said all of this to the solicitor yesterday, I asked how it had even gone past the CPS even looking at the evidence if it was actually him, it's pathetic, a waste of time, money and resources and not only could it potentially ruin his life but also mine. Nobody seems to care and the media see it as juicy gossip. Conviction for reported r***s sit at 2.5% but they're on the ball when it comes to questionable cases online and have no reservations about condemning and labelling them for life. Makes no sense.