Family and Friends Forum


Member since
May 2022

78 posts

Posted Thu May 5, 2022 2:24amReport post

Of all devices checked I was wondering what the percentage rate for a conviction was 75%or>


Member since
July 2021

874 posts

Posted Thu May 5, 2022 11:13amReport post

It's so complex in regards to this. No 2 cases are the same and evidence varies along with variable of whether the CPS charge. In my case we've made it to charges, not guilty in magistrates, not guilty in crown and there is nothing which ties the Kik account to him, it's just measly evidence and even if there was, the conversation in the evidence pack isn't exactly mindblowing and there was no images or other conversations so now further forensics need to be done. This is the most frustrating, anxious, sickening journey anyone can ever go on and waiting for the fate is horrible. Unfortunately, there is no guessing what will happen, it's a mixture of luck and facts.


Member since
May 2022

78 posts

Posted Thu May 5, 2022 3:35pmReport post

Thank you so much Lee and baffled b our family members devices have been away about 2 weeks the poilce said 4 to 6months he said he had unistaled the app 6 months ago if not more I don't think it was a fancy phone just basic andriod so was wondering if they would retrive much or everything or if anyone would know ....I was just wondering what the percentage of convictions were from the police when they had reason to take take devices in the first place..... and the waiting is so painful ...such a helpfull forum thank you