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Courts restricting media

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Member since
May 2021

199 posts

Posted Mon May 9, 2022 10:44pmReport post

Hi all

Today I have heard from the OIC that she will not release a photo of my husband and will not be doing a press release from their end. This is down to two reasons. One is hubby has some very public police officers family who it could really affect and also him living with me and our infant daughter.

The OIC has suggested I ask the court to restrict media for the same reasons. Has anyone done this? How do you go about it and was it successfully done?

We go to magistrates next week so time is a ticking!!



Member since
May 2021

199 posts

Posted Tue May 10, 2022 11:34amReport post

Hi both.

kind of what I thought. I don't think there is much point in doing it.

and I totally agree they are willing to protect their own. For now I'll take it as I'm benefiting from it. But it's not right. In some fairness one of his brothers was all over the news a few years ago as he was attacked on the job and branded a hero. So if he were linked to this it could be really damaging to his already fragile mental health and PTSD issues. But he's been vile to me and my daughter since all this so I don't think I really care haha!

Thanks folks


Member since
May 2021

199 posts

Posted Tue May 10, 2022 1:38pmReport post

Okie dokie. I'll give it a go! Thank you


Member since
April 2021

140 posts

Posted Tue May 10, 2022 8:56pmReport post

As a working journalist, you'd need a very strong reason for court to block the media from attending. Also usually if court listings are given and a case is marked as restricted, we'd be more likely to try and find out why so can have the opposite effect. Considering courts are in the public interest, they can kick up a fuss to be allowed in and it can even delay your court date until a decision has been made for them to be allowed in.

As mentioned above, most courts now issue case details and transcripts straight to journalists who use it. We were lucky in that the case before us was a teacher who had sexually assaulted children and after was a ridiculously OTT GBH case so we kind of slipped through.

We did request that the home address wasn't given due to me and our daughter living there, and all the court seemed happy with that. Also in sentencing remarks, the judge made comments such as "you've done everything you could have done after arrest to better yourself" and "you're clearly a kind man who has fallen from Grace" and those don't really fit the narrative for media. Reporters have to cover sentencing remarks and they can't edit out what they want.

Obviously it's different everywhere but you can request for address not to be given out and also when you come and go from court, don't linger! Then hopefully won't be of interest or have enough to be covered xx


Member since
December 2021

164 posts

Posted Tue May 10, 2022 10:43pmReport post


we requested our address not to be read out as me and our baby live here and he doesn't at present.
My husband had to confirm it in magistrates but in crown court it wasn't read-however the journalist still found out our address from court documents and printed it x


Member since
December 2021

695 posts

Posted Wed May 11, 2022 9:48pmReport post

let us know how you get on. (Laughed at comment about the nasty brother :) )

I asked solicitor if it was possible for addresses not to be read out (due to elderly parents and children) and he said there wasn't anything we could do about it.
I also asked if profession could be kept out of court and he said well I see no reason why it would be mentioned??
we are seeing a senior partner solicitor who I hope will give us a bit more??
is it worth us asking the oic if she will be releasing anything? And if we can ask for no address or profession? X

Smile through tears

Member since
September 2021

2490 posts

Posted Thu May 12, 2022 4:17amReport post

We were told part of our story would not be reported and to be fair it wasn't. They said the internet crime would poss be included (public interest) and so it was with photo and address. We were once again gutted.

Times passed and I still worry if we'll be targeted:( Thank god we've got fantastic neighbours....


Member since
February 2021

41 posts

Posted Fri May 13, 2022 6:18amReport post

Hi scaredlamb

just thought I would let you know from my side there was no media in when we went to court because there was a big case on in another court room and no name or adress was read out in the court room but the jornalist must of requested a copy of the transcripts and come a couple of hours later it was in the paper and all over Facebook on these hunter groups were they have been trying to get a photo my advice would be to try and change names before going to court wish someone had given us that advice before we went to court.

thinking of you at this hard time big hugs