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Case finally went to crown court

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Member since
February 2022

95 posts

Posted Mon May 16, 2022 11:16amReport post

So our case finally went to crown court Friday after 24 months of waiting (knock was June 2020), I was unaware as I was on Holiday and my family kindly saved me from the worry it would have caused me over the weekend.

He has been given a community rehab order for 15 months & is tagged. I believe this is due to his previous illness's. I've been told, that on the day the judge was very kind to him despite the circumstances and noted his good character until now, he was in and out within the hour. He is on list (sorry don't know what its caused) for 5 years. So all in all the court went well.

Sadly we have been stung by the media. 2nd page big letters. They have exaggerated the numbers stating over 250 images found on phone & laptop (this was not the case, nothing was found on laptop). 94 images were found A-C these were in the same folder, they said how it was serious enough for prison but he dodged that which again was not what the judge said, he said it wasn't serious enough for prison and he has no suspended sentence.

It makes me so cross the press are allowed to fabricate some of the information. They say its in the public interest but they don't warn their readers of how easy it was for him to fall into this trap via Twitter of all places, nor do they mention that he has had no bail conditions for nearly 2 years since the offence as he wasn't deemed a risk.

Me I am now on the edge, what will happen now its out there?. This was what I was worried about the most... for selfish reasons really, I was hoping no one would find out.

I now feel sick with worry, scared to go on social media encase someone tags me in the article. I don't want my wider family finding out, im bothered of what they will say about him (silly I know). I feel sick and just want to hide away. I feel im at breaking point. Paranoid people will be talking about us, wondering if he is related to me etc. Thankfully im still working from home.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.


Edited Mon May 16, 2022 11:05pm


Member since
December 2021

899 posts

Posted Mon May 16, 2022 2:08pmReport post

I'm so sorry to hear its hit the media but the sentencing outcome seem reasonable "positive" .

My person's story hit the media within hours (however I'm very fortunate that he lives hundreds of miles from me do no one knows) . I found the media reporting one of the hardest things to swallow because they fabricated the story, shared information irrelevant to the charge all that make him sound like a monster. Like you I felt it was very one sided. Nothing about not having bail conditions, no focus on what he didn't do (which I've seen in other stories) , no words from the barrister defending him to provide a more balanced picture of the situation.

I followed posts on social media and within 36 hours people had stopped commenting. With a week it was miles down the media feed. Like most gossip, it dies down quickly. A friends brother was convicted of images, he was well known throughout the town I live in, there was gossip but again that died down very quickly and whilst there was a lot of drama from some people many people didn't join in. I'd recommend staying off social media. In my opinion, many of the people that comment and share these things are not the people I'd care or respect their opinions of, I always think it's strange when anyone is so interested in other people business.

You've done nothing wrong, it's important to remember that and hold your head high, even supporting your brother most likely comes from a place of compassion and that's admirable and a kind thing to do - Something you should be proud of. Your brother, like my person has done something he shouldn't have. He has been given his punishment accordly, perhaps one day society and the news papers will see that is the role of the justice system and the role of the newspaper is only to report facts without dramatising them.

As said before, those that care will act with compassion towards you.

It will pass. Perhaps spend the time thinking about how you feel about the offence, what work he's done, how you feel about him and the sentence, it might help you understand how you would want to respond to anyone that may contact you.

Edited Mon May 16, 2022 2:19pm

Smile through tears

Member since
September 2021

2669 posts

Posted Mon May 16, 2022 2:49pmReport post

I just hope as time goes by the people that hate my son will readjust their deepest feelings.

I can understand he will never be forgiven but I want them to get rid of the hate in their hearts, it's an exhausting emotion with a lot of sadness attached. It hurts me to see this hate in the eyes of people I love.

Edited Mon May 16, 2022 2:53pm


Member since
September 2021

97 posts

Posted Mon May 16, 2022 5:04pmReport post

Very true Smile

i understand friendships are beyond repair now but the sheer hatred that still emanates from some people hurts the most.
Sending strength and love to you all xx

Smile through tears

Member since
September 2021

2669 posts

Posted Mon May 16, 2022 5:37pmReport post

It's so difficult when a crime is committed within the family, you are torn apart x

Edited Mon May 16, 2022 9:26pm


Member since
December 2021

695 posts

Posted Mon May 16, 2022 9:42pmReport post

Hi Sadsister

well done on being brave and getting this far. You can get used to your new normal now.
Why not come off social media as you'll beat yourself up more reading it? They will find a new story within a few days.hope you're feeling rested after a holiday too.

My partner will be in court in a couple of months making (viewing) cat a-c, do you have any advice on anything else he/we could do as a community order is the best outcome in all this? But solicitor did say the minimum sentencing guidance for even 1 cat A is suspended, but it does depend on judge on the day, pre sentencing report, mitigating factors etc. any advice appreciated x


Member since
February 2022

95 posts

Posted Mon May 16, 2022 11:42pmReport post

Sal & Hope, thank you both, so much for the kind messages and support, when I needed it the most today.

I distracted myself with a bit of cleaning and just sitting quietly in the sun. I then went out and did my weekly shop, I was petrified I would see someone I knew but I thought, 'sod it' why should I hide away.

I have to say, sitting here now with my cat on my lap and the support of my partner/family I am pleased I got through today and tomorrow will be ok too, whatever happens (I will keep telling myself this)

Smile, I believe those who 'hate' your Son will forgive in time, but if they don't then that says more about them. Stay strong x love to you & your Son.

JayJay, thank you for your kind message. I'm not sure I can offer advice, I believe my brother received a community rehab order because previous ill health means he wouldn't be able to carry out unpaid community work. I am guessing he didn't get a suspended sentence because its coming up to 2 years since the knock, although I cannot be sure this is correct. He has a tag for 3 months.

I have read on here that character references can have a positive affect on cases. My Brother didn't have any, as he refused to let us do this. He didnt think he deserved help. My Brother was fortunate to have good Legal Aid and a positive Pre-Assessment carried out by probation.

I have decided to come of social media for a few weeks, not that I am on there much, but what I don't know can't hurt me. I have also made sure my FB account is private and no one can request me, tag me or find me on search engine.

Again, I can bit thank you all enough. Keep going ladies we can do this.

Edited Mon May 16, 2022 11:44pm

Quick exit