Family and Friends Forum


Member since
March 2022

439 posts

Posted Tue May 17, 2022 1:28pmReport post

Hi guys hope your all okay

Im just posting for a bit of advise really .

Since I've been off on maternity the community I live in has gotten very close everyone talking to me on school run wanting play dates . My daughter's school friends now live opersite is and behind so they can see each other through and over the fence .

Privious to this I worked full-time so never saw much of the neighbors ect so didn't realise how everyone takes it in turns to have the children round ect . They are texting asking how I am asking if I need them to walk my daughter to school because I have a new born.

It's all lovley and very kind but I've been trying to keep my distance . My partner isn't aloud to live here but he visits and ppl see him coming in and out and see his car outside . My daughter has been over to get friends and they drop her back round the corner . But now it's my turn to have to have them over . I said I will take them out to mcdolands and the park so there not in the house but they want to come and play with the babris dream house in her room . My daughter nags me all day everyday . Dmer is going to be a night mare as when there in the garden my daughter can see and wants to invite them ect .

I asume as far as social and police are concerned I can have her friends over for tea becaus ehe will not be here . But all I can think about is imagine when it's in the media . There will be trouble. And I feel with the new Netflix show ect people with be in a craze with the p hunter situation .

Ino people may think just tell them they can't come over and get over it but after living under a rock for so many months and not knowing if it could be another year I feel I need to move on and I can't make many more ecsuses . My daughter thinks her dad works day and night ect but she's starting to ask alot more questions

How is everyone else coping ? I think if I didn't live next to all these kids from her school it wud be okay but literly the whole of her class live in this village . I have no friends with kids to distract her with and barley have any friends in general . I try and do activities everyday to distract her and dance classes . Soft play the beach ect but hard and tiring work and low income


Member since
March 2022

439 posts

Posted Tue May 17, 2022 2:56pmReport post

Thank you . I have never heard of it before yes it's horrible just puts fear of the public in me I surpose .

I just have no idea what to do . And ino noone does but I thought I would have had more of an idea . When he's not here and it's me and the girls I feel I need to be normal and carry on and let her have her normal childhood ect . I'm a very social person and I think somtimes of its my friends and family over him then so it is . But then when we spend the day together I think how can I leave him to face this alone so I'm supporting him in everyway . Just trying to do what's best for the children at the moment all my girl wants to do is go and play ect she dusnt want to stay at home with me .

I would like to think of it dose come out people opinions and family's won't affect me but it will and I'm not sure what road to take .

I have a good day and a bad day like us all but I really can't cope with the waiting and lieing . In a way I wish it was out on the open to then aleast move on from it . Somtimes I think it's not so bad others I think it's arwfull and if it was anymore else I wouldn't want my child near there house him there or not

Distressed and pregnant

Member since
November 2020

942 posts

Posted Tue May 17, 2022 4:42pmReport post


I know that some people have had ss say about the risk to their childrens friends. I'm yet to experience that due to our daughter being too young to ask to have friends over and my partner living completely separate to us at present. I made friends with a woman at a playgroup who lives opposite us late last year and decided to tell her a couple of months ago, partly as a way of judging if my daughter will be able to have a "normal" life growing up. She was so understanding and we regularly have play dates and coffee. I understand that this may not be an option if you have older children as you would never want it discussed around your children and raise unnecessary questions or distress. Could you perhaps invite the other moms with the children? Maybe as you have a newborn to deal with too this might be an ideal opportunity. We're post sentencing and he was in the media so I feel a bit braver (maybe stupidity) because anyone who knows him knows anyway so at least with me telling people it's kind of on my terms. Obviously when she goes to school I won't be telling everyone there but there is the risk of someone connecting us if I still live in the same area. I'd always make sure he wasn't around for play dates too. I should point out that I have older children who have always had friends stay over before he was arrested and I haven't faced any backlash from this. Everyone has been really supportive towards me and my children. I hope you find a way to be able to have your daughters friends over. Sending love xx

Distressed and pregnant

Member since
November 2020

942 posts

Posted Tue May 17, 2022 4:42pmReport post

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Edited Tue May 17, 2022 4:42pm


Member since
September 2021

97 posts

Posted Tue May 17, 2022 7:01pmReport post

Totally echo what Lee has said. Out of a morbid curiosity I started to watch it and it's horrific. Not worth the air time it's given xx


Member since
March 2022

439 posts

Posted Thu May 19, 2022 11:34amReport post

Thank you for your replies. Having the parents over isn't really an option but I see what you mean . I will see what happens :) I'm just so worried this afecting my daughter and am trying to make things seen normall. But also can't carry on asof nothing is happening . I can't wait for this nightmare to be over :(

Upset mum

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June 2020

2359 posts

Posted Thu May 19, 2022 5:11pmReport post

I watched it wish I hadn't and my heart goes out to those that have been at the receiving end of these barbaric people thinking they are doing good but the impact just made me so sad x