Family and Friends Forum

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Lucy from Stop it Now!

Member since
September 2018

532 posts

Posted Tue May 17, 2022 2:21pmReport post

Hello forum users,

If you are a regular user of our forum then you may have noticed that we have made some changes over the last week. We made these changes in light of the recommendations of a recent evaluation we conducted with existing forum users. Aside from amending the text on various introductory pages, the key changes are:

Users will no longer get ‘timed out’ when they are writing new posts Users can now subscribe to notifications for any topic, regardless of whether or not a user has taken part in the discussion. You will need to register and be ‘logged in’ to see the notifications button in the top right-hand corner. Moderated posts (i.e. posts that are checked by the forum moderators before they go live) will now appear within the topic threads at the time they are accepted by moderators, rather than at the time they were originally posted. This is to ensure the posts do not get lost amongst previous pages. When threads have been inactive for some time, they will move to the ‘archive’ section. This is to declutter the main categories and make it more user friendly. You can still access archived threads.

We hope these changes have been helpful. If you have any comments or feedback, please do post below.

Take care,

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