Family and Friends Forum

Visor visit?

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Member since
February 2020

48 posts

Posted Wed May 18, 2022 3:39amReport post

Hi all.

I have posted before in sub thread but I'm hoping more people will see this way.

My sons father was sentenced in March this year, 5 years SOR for extreme porn, animals, no iioc. After he was sentenced he signed on at the police station, he's gotten a probation officer who he sees weekly at the moment and the probation officer has visited his flat, but he hasn't heard from visor or anyone else from the police?

Are visor always involved or could it be possible he is just monitored by the probation service?

Thank you



Member since
September 2021

97 posts

Posted Wed May 18, 2022 6:54amReport post

Hi Broken,

I think it's likely that the visor team will be involved. I see on this forum people talk about the order in which this process happens. For us it was slightly different, as in we weren't made aware of visor until my hubby had his first face to face probation appointment. If I remember right this was around 3-4 weeks post sentencing. The visor team didn't make there first visor until the second month after sentencing. We were informed that he would be assigned a police officer and that was all. When the visor team visited they explained their purpose clearly. Maybe this hasn't been communicated to you yet xx


Member since
February 2020

48 posts

Posted Wed May 18, 2022 7:52amReport post

Super weird, nobodies mentioned it to him at all. And nobodies turned up at his flat either.

Nearly 3 months later. I will advise him to ask his probation officer just incase. X