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Bail conditions and no access to his baby

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Christmas Chaos

Member since
May 2022

131 posts

Posted Wed May 18, 2022 6:33pmReport post


Hope everyone is doing ok. I come on here everyday to read and get support but I've only posted a few times. I'm really struggling.

My husband is out on bail after pleading guilty at magistrates Court at Christmas. He plead guilty to possession and distribution of iioc all categories, no communication with under 18s. The police took one mobile phone and now we are waiting for sentencing in Scotland.

He was released with bail conditions. One being no contact with under 16s and also no media such as WhatsApp etc. He wasn't allowed to come back to our home according to bail conditions and can't video call because he's not allowed access to whatsapp or messenger etc. I'm not allowed to send him photos of our baby either and it's breaking his heart. Our child was 6 days old when the knock happened and he hasn't seen his baby since Christmas.

What I've seen with many stories on here is some of the partners are released on bail for the same offence as my husband but can have supervised access with their children, can anyone explain why my husband can't? Is it up to the police who make the bail conditions or is it different in every city? Will this change before sentencing? Just so confused. Xx

Polly Pocket

Member since
May 2022

440 posts

Posted Wed May 18, 2022 8:07pmReport post

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Edited Sun February 5, 2023 1:40pm

Christmas Chaos

Member since
May 2022

131 posts

Posted Wed May 18, 2022 9:43pmReport post

Thanks so much for the reply Polly Pocket.

Yes myself and our baby are now in a different country. I had to come back home to my family for help with a newborn and because my husband lost his job we had to sell our home in Scotland.

He is released on bail in Scotland and social services in both countries have closed our case because of us being in different countries so there's no risk...which I understand but now we are left in this limbo of just phone calls the last 5 months. Its breaking both of our hearts. It's time we'll never get back with our baby as a family, even if we were to visit once a month and he could spend one hour supervised and make some memories as a new family. I would love to take a family photo of the 3 of us to have in the future. He's a new father but has no experience of being a dad.

I'm seeing a lot of people waiting 2 years for sentencing. I can't imagine just doing phone calls for 2 years. I think that's where I'm struggling. I keep trying to stay positive and to focus on the future when all this is behind us and it just seems so daunting. Xx


Member since
March 2022

439 posts

Posted Thu May 19, 2022 9:51amReport post

Sorry to hear what your going through :( big hugs it's so hard with children and newborns . Ment to be such a happy time that's ruined . I've just had a baby my partner isn't aloud to live here . He was bailed then bail conditions droped just released under investigation. I'm not sure what the difference if because they sed he still can't be unsupervised with any children under 18 . Social services are involed we had a meeting he can be supervised visits by me. So he can come whever but we just all need to stay in the same room ect . They said I can sent pictures vidioes ect so I'm not sure why you can't :( I'm not sure if thi has will change when he's charged ect . I would challenge the social ect and say you want to face time or somthing surley they can't expect you not to do that with a baby . Xx