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3 years sentence life on register and restraining order. It’s finally over. When will it be in the papers?

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Member since
October 2020

172 posts

Posted Thu May 19, 2022 11:18amReport post

2 weeks ago he got 3 and a half years (serve about 2 years of that) life on register and restraining order from the family and family home.
no reporters in court and keep checking local news. Do anyone know if and when it will be in the papers?
it feels weird people not knowing. In a way I'm glad so I don't have questions to answer.
going to court was a real eye opener it showed me things he'd lied to me about, information he with held when I asked and how he laughed about getting away with it for so long. It lifted a great weight off my shoulders and shown me it wasn't my fault or I'd not done anything to turn him into the person he'd become because I'd spent so long blaming myself.
take care wherever u r on ur journey.


Member since
April 2021

644 posts

Posted Thu May 19, 2022 11:38amReport post

Ahhh, glad it's all over for you, hope in time you'll be able to get over all this and move on with your future xx


Member since
September 2021

289 posts

Posted Thu May 19, 2022 12:15pmReport post

I'm wishing you so much love for the future xx


Member since
February 2022

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Posted Thu May 19, 2022 12:55pmReport post


So pleased to hear its finally over for you, you must feel so much 'lighter' now you are no longer blaming yourself. Time to put you and your family first and start living again without this dark cloud hanging over you.

In terms of media, my Brother was sentenced on a Friday and it was in the local paper by Monday. But I understand some areas do a round-up of court cases at the end of every month, so you can never be sure if/when it will/wont happen.

If I was you, I would just not look and try and forget about it (easier said than done I know), I haven't read my Brothers article and havent looked to see if its online. I am just carrying on and if anyone says anything to me, I will deal with it at the time.

I have stressed myself out enough with all this and as you say none of this is our fault xx

Take care of yourself



Member since
July 2021

125 posts

Posted Thu May 19, 2022 2:37pmReport post

Similar timescale here

media was end of month. Can't lie, it wasn't easy, stick to routine as much as you can, I had to read the comments as I needed screen shots for a separate matter but I don't think I would have read them otherwise.

massivs hugs and be kind to yourself. X


Member since
March 2022

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Posted Thu May 19, 2022 4:43pmReport post

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Edited Tue October 24, 2023 9:12am

Upset mum

Member since
June 2020

2359 posts

Posted Thu May 19, 2022 5:05pmReport post

Hi Rusty123

My sons case was reported a week after his sentancing, I havent read it all but what i did see was so exaggerated x no one has said anything other than been supportive to us x

Dont waste any time worrying just focus on moving forward xx

Smile through tears

Member since
September 2021

2490 posts

Posted Thu May 19, 2022 5:12pmReport post

I agree with Upset. This part of the journey is not easy and worrying about it will just stress you out, plus you are powerless.

It annoys me, yes, it was unfair, yes, but it's all about trying to move forward and not look back.