Family and Friends Forum


Member since
December 2021

695 posts

Posted Fri May 20, 2022 7:26pmReport post

So partner has been sacked.
We are truly devastated, from a financial point of view and his mental health point of view.
his team don't know yet, there will be massive shock waves as he is high up and well thought of. I am waiting for the messages asking questions ... what can he say? He doesn't want anyone to know and both solicitor and therapist have advised not to tell anyone.
the thought of having to sell our home, even move, my anxiety is through the roof. So so sad.

Upset mum

Member since
June 2020

2359 posts

Posted Fri May 20, 2022 8:03pmReport post

Hi Jayjay

So sorry to hear he has lost his job I wish I could offer some advice but I wouldn't know where to start as it is my son who offended so from a financial situation mine is different x

I hope you can get some support financially

Just wanted to send hugs xx

Edited Fri May 20, 2022 8:04pm


Member since
December 2021

164 posts

Posted Fri May 20, 2022 9:34pmReport post

Hi jayjay

im so sorry this has happened, it's so awful.
my husband lost his job after conviction as it got into the media. Fortunately he works in an area you don't need a dbs for, he has found a new job and hasn't had to disclose.

it's so hard but take a breath, apply for all the benefits you can. Call unlock for advice for your husband-my husband could have done his company for unfair dismissal but he hadn't worked there long enough

we were also advised to write down our narrative, our truth that we wanted people to know. We didn't disclose to anyone and then it got out-this narrative was the best thing we did as we were able to tell them the basics of what we thought they needed to know. Stopped the rumour mill going into overdrive. But there is no right or wrong decision here and you do whatever is best for your family


Edited Fri May 20, 2022 9:36pm


Member since
May 2022

78 posts

Posted Fri May 20, 2022 9:34pmReport post

Omg that's devastating why did he get sacked ....innocent till proven guilty comes to mind

Smile through tears

Member since
September 2021

2492 posts

Posted Fri May 20, 2022 9:39pmReport post

I was distraught when my son lost his job. Feel for you..... it's one hell of a knock back.....

Polly Pocket

Member since
May 2022

440 posts

Posted Fri May 20, 2022 9:55pmReport post

Hello Jayjay,

No advice I'm afraid - just wanting to show solidarity and love to you. What a shit situation, I'm so sorry you are in this position.

What you are going through is no one else's business really. I hope you can make the right decision for you as to what and who you share with xx

Christmas Chaos

Member since
May 2022

131 posts

Posted Sat May 21, 2022 9:01amReport post

Hi JayJay

Just wanted to give support and strength. Your post completely resonated with me. My husband was very good friends with his boss and confided in him about the knock just a few days after it happened, he felt he was doing the right thing by being honest with his boss.

He told him he hadn't been sentenced yet but had pled guilty to the police straight away and was released on bail. He could have returned to work as he was employed in a warehouse with over 16s. His colleagues were men in their 40s.

His boss said he would have to inform the company directors etc and they will make a decision. Then they must have told all the guys my husband worked with before making their decision (we had an idea about this because everyone deleted him from Facebook and nobody has contacted him since).

My husband then had a conference call with all the company directors and the decision was my husband resign or he come back and face everyone in work and whatever reaction they might have. My husband said he didn't feel safe returning to his job now with everyone knowing his offence so he resigned.

We had only bought our home 2 years before that and I had just started maternity leave so money would have been very tight.

We sold our home in March, we had no way of paying the bills and mortgage on basic maternity pay. I was devastated.

I just wanted to say that try to look at this like a completely new chapter. Its a chance to rebuild better and bigger than before. Eventually new jobs, new home, new neighbours, new start.

Stay strong xxx

Edited Sat May 21, 2022 11:45am


Member since
December 2021

695 posts

Posted Sun May 22, 2022 11:10amReport post

Thank you all.
So work found out weeks after the knock after police reviewed things and decided to tell his work as they COULD employ 16/17 year olds!
he has been sacked for gross misconduct for

1. not disclosing to work (even though solicitor said not to - no arrest/charges at that time, and he doesn't work with u18s and no dbs required)

2. they said he could not fulfil his duty if no contact with u18s for the off chance he may bump in to one (solicitor and police have confirmed SHPO would likely to be internet only restrictions)

3. putting company into distripute

the person who said they could have done them for unfair dismissal (sorry can't see name) under what grounds please? He's very low and thinks he has no grounds to appeal or fight this.

im so upset, worrying about everything but your support means a lot