Family and Friends Forum


Member since
May 2022

19 posts

Posted Tue May 31, 2022 9:27amReport post

This is such q hellish burden to carry without the support of friends and family now l know what he must have felt in the 6 months he didn't tell me , how do you all cope?


Member since
March 2021

386 posts

Posted Tue May 31, 2022 12:49pmReport post

Hello Nellie

How are you feeling today?

You are only on day 3 of this journey, so be kind to yourself if you can. You will find the strength to get through this as it takes something like this to know we are stronger than we think. Most of us (if not all of us) at Day 3 would have felt the same as you are feeling now- it is such a trauma and shock to go through and you are still trying to process it.

If you have not spoke to the helpline, try and ring them when you feel able to, they will be able to support you through this. Some also visit their GP for support but you will know if this is the right route for you to take.

Please remember you are not alone, this forum will always be here for you.

How is your son doing? It must have been hard for him to keep this to himself before he told you. If he hasn't already spoken to the helpline it may be good for him to contact them as they can support him through this.

Take care and remember to look after yourself.

Edited Tue May 31, 2022 12:50pm

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