Family and Friends Forum

Return to normal family life

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Member since
May 2022

47 posts

Posted Fri June 3, 2022 10:33pmReport post


Thought it would be useful to start a thread (unless there's already one, but couldn't see it) about people's positive stories about being able to return to 'Normal' or 'sort of normal' family life. So many ladies on here have uncertainty around this I've noticed. (Me too).

Hopefully stories for example, of where even after a sentence, hubby can return home and love a normal family life with you and the kids. Or you've remained separated but they're allowed unsupervised visits etc.

Might also be useful, if you don't mind, to say what the sentence/charges were to stop people asking!

Feeling hopeful tonight, but muddled with uncertainty. Whatever the sentence, we just so desperately want to return to 'normal' family life. Hubby has said he would take any amount of prison if it meant he could come home to us eventually... that's all he wants.

Thanks all! ?? Hope others may find this thread comforting.

Chelsea 1

Member since
June 2021

878 posts

Posted Sat June 4, 2022 12:13pmReport post

Hiya Gardener.

My o/h has had his court days etc and now we are just trying to enjoy each other's company and not looking over our shoulders anymore.

He got a community order , 5 years on SOR and 5 years SHPO, 30 probation meetings and 240 hours community service.



Member since
October 2020

21 posts

Posted Sat June 4, 2022 6:08pmReport post

Knock Oct 20, court July 21. 3 charges,downloading, making, possession 6 images 1 Cat A. Year suspended sentence, 20 hours course ( actually 40 x 30mins one to one with probation officer spread over the year), 10 years SHPO and SOR. Luckily no media interest, and lots of support of immediate family apart from his daughters who have blanked him since the knock.

Life virtually same as before, unable to have grandchildren to stay overnight but still able to have contact albeit supervised, devices monitored for 10 years (two visits in since court date, and VISOR officer very helpful and positive. Managed several trips away, just made sure that any overnight stays do not exceed 6 nights at any one address over course of a year.

Just need to be mindful of court order re stays etc, keeping officials aware of any impending overseas visits, addresses etc.

Life does go on, can always find a way. Have stayed with partner as in the last 16 years together he has been nothing but supportive, kind, helpful and loving both to myself, my family and those around us.


Member since
March 2020

26 posts

Posted Sun June 5, 2022 3:04pmReport post

The knock was 2019. Sentencing (short prison sentence) was 2021.

Although we are seperated we have an amicable friendship. He has periods of unsupervised access to our child alongside visits to our home.

He lost his job at sentencing and found another good job within a couple of weeks of release, the new employer did not ask about criminal records.

There is hope for a relatively normal life after sentencing once the dust has settled!


Member since
October 2020

87 posts

Posted Sun June 5, 2022 8:23pmReport post

Hi, had the knock Jan 20 court march 21 sexualised conversation on KIK with a decoy. No arrange to meet. One cat c moving image. 8 month suspended for 2 years.

Hubby allowed to stay at home. We did have media coverage and some trouble from the neighbours but touch wood nothing recently. (I've Said it now though !)

I'm struggling to forgive, I find it incredibly hard to process the betrayal of trust and the type of crime but we are trying to make it work.

It does get better, and life does go on one way or another and you move past it. It's just a new way of life so there is hope <3

Counselling helps and always being honest and open. Communication is key.

Sending love and hugs x