Family and Friends Forum

This will never end

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Member since
December 2021

5 posts

Posted Mon June 6, 2022 10:06amReport post

The knock came in December 2019 ,went through months of anxiety which we have all experienced , trying to understand why, to the court case in May 2021.Sudpended sentence, other half lost his job sadly his Mum died in October, his daughter and all the family turned their back on us.

We moved home and life was starting to resemblance the new norm! We had one accusation that we had children in the house ,the police dismissed this . Again we try and put this behind us.

We went to our local pub for a drink ,we are not known in this town ,the landlady came up to us and showed us the press article which reported the court case.We were asked to leave and are now barred

We have no idea who told her , the police and probation officer are concerned about our safety.

To date we have had no issues but I went away for a few days as I thought I was going mad.

I am devastated, scared and I am now thinking should I have stayed. I feel there is no place for us ,however hard we try .He has done a terrible thing and I wanted to support him . This is no life ,I feel completely crushed ????


Member since
December 2021

890 posts

Posted Mon June 6, 2022 6:44pmReport post

This is so sad. Beyond my person's sentence its the other knock on implications to his and my life I struggle with myself. Constantly looking over our shoulder, even if we moved somewhere new.

Bumping this up as it's slipped down the listings quite quickly as there have been a heart breaking new users to the forum over the long weekend.

Upset mum

Member since
June 2020

2359 posts

Posted Mon June 6, 2022 7:24pmReport post


So sorry to read your post, honestly as if you have not been through enough on this wretched journey x

I dont have any advise to offer other than hold your head high you have done nothing wrong

My heart really does go out to you both xx


Member since
December 2021

5 posts

Posted Mon June 6, 2022 7:26pmReport post

Thank you ,yes I think this weekend has been difficult for so many .

I just want to live a quiet life but there are forces working again us.


Member since
October 2020

479 posts

Posted Tue June 7, 2022 10:57pmReport post

So sorry that this has happened Josie.. Just remember though... This is a new start.

If you cannot go to the pub then bring the pub home... Build a Pub shed outside, gives you both a project to work on... Make new friends and tell them in time...

Remember the pub landlady is a no one to you, if she bars you then so be it. She hasn't taken the time to ask any question... She just acted... Without thinking...

Good luck and make sure to put your mental health first!