Family and Friends Forum


Member since
April 2022

134 posts

Posted Mon June 6, 2022 1:12pmReport post

I don't know about you all but today I am struggling.
Having the kids home for half term, then events with the Jubilee etc, was a welcome distraction, but today, despite being busy with work, I am finding everything has just come thundering back to me like a freight train. Maybe I am just tired. Why why why are we in this position, I feel so angry. Life was close to perfect before all of this. How could he do this to me? To us. To our family.
Just needed to vent, sorry.....
Sending big virtual hugs to you all X

Struggling since July 2021

Member since
July 2021

22 posts

Posted Mon June 6, 2022 1:28pmReport post

Hi Ellbee,

That's exactly how was yesterday and today. I seem extra emotional at the moment and really want to talk things through but also scream and shout about how im feeling but can't move forward or even sideways, i feel like im going backwards and down a black hole.

I still care so much about my O/H and crave the closeness we once had but we have to try to get our thoughts round so many changes.

Sending you a great big virtual hug. Let you know you're not alone. We can have lots of friends but also feel so very, very lonely.



Member since
June 2022

7 posts

Posted Mon June 6, 2022 1:58pmReport post

Hi both. Another one in the same boat here, feeling the exact same way. This is still very raw and new for me - I'm on day 6 and it's just the most unbearable pain. Had a great day of distraction with friends yesterday but then somehow the comedown to reality is that much worse. I almost feel like it's better to wallow and not get that horrible sick/sinking stomach feeling when you remember again. Brutal isn't it. Hopefully we can all support one another going forwards, this forum is great - though I'm sure none of us are glad we're here! One day at a time.


Member since
July 2021

874 posts

Posted Mon June 6, 2022 3:09pmReport post


I feel like this a lot, I often forget about what's going on and make plans for the future and then a voice in my head says that it may not be possible. I don't think people realise how "lucky" they are to not have this hanging over them and sometimes it makes me feel envious but that's just normal. One way or another it will all come to an end and a new path (whether wanted or not) will form and this will be a distant and unfond memory in years to come.


Member since
April 2021

644 posts

Posted Mon June 6, 2022 7:37pmReport post

I'm feeling like this today too. I'm fuming at him as we had everything and he threw it all away. I feel like I've suffered more than him, he's had lots of mental. Health care I'm left to deal with it alone, work, look after my house, my teen and grown up sons, my family and friends I'm lying to meanwhile he has his brother to talk to and an excellent meabtal health team. I don't know if I can do this anymore 15 months down the line.

Smile through tears

Member since
September 2021

2492 posts

Posted Tue June 7, 2022 4:41amReport post

I think sometimes ladies, I find, if you let your guard down, perhaps relax or dare I say it - have fun - a downer can come across you, like a dark storm cloud, sounds dramatic but a reality cloud......

I share you feelings of a good life being blown apart and changed forever, it's bloody annoying putting it mildly.....

Edited Tue June 7, 2022 4:43am