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Tried suicide again

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Member since
April 2021

644 posts

Posted Wed June 8, 2022 6:10pmReport post

I'm. At my wits end, this is my partner, ex partners I don't know yet, took an overdose 3 nights ago he's lucky to be alive. I'm so angry at him after all the work we've both did. He's been honest since day one (communication with minor 14 year olds decoy they started it all and he was on a bad place, 3 charges one contested charges in November still waiting on evidence) he tried to walk in. Front of a bus after his arrest 15 months ago promised never to do it again. Anyway he's been made homeless his car broke, all the crap with evidence and he has no family support but me and breifky his brother. Ss ignoring him for contact with his kids. Hes did the modules, regularly rings stop it has had intense therapy and was doing so well. There's more to this story, mental health nurse and whoever was with him. Made him feel very judged. I'm fuming.

At them too so todwyy I get a call from ss about safeguarding issues with my 15 year old just because I'm. In contact with him. He doesn't t come to my house at all, I have a feeling that nurse just judged us both. Just a rant I have noone ejse and ferl very alone. I've just about had it with everything, I've did nothing wrong and am getting punished for being supported.

Upset mum

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June 2020

2359 posts

Posted Wed June 8, 2022 6:39pmReport post

Evening Newlady

I so sorry to read your post, honestly I have no words to say that would even begin to ease the pain you are dealing with xx

This is such a difficult journey to be on without the added pressure of your partner wanting to take his life, it's just heartbreaking xx

He has done so much good in getting help and working on himself to understand how he ended up in this , also having you supporting him makes such a difference but you are also going through hell and this just makes it even worse.

Has he got a crisis team helping him?

Sending strength and hugs xx


Member since
April 2021

644 posts

Posted Wed June 8, 2022 8:37pmReport post

Yeah he was kept in hospital for 2 nights he had to get stomach pumped and a drop fur two data, he's very lucky to be alive. Yeah I'm so stressed told him. I'll nit be baxk next time he trued it he's came so far and hecwas gonna leave me to deal with that after all the help I've gave him. He's just weak, thars what got him into this mess in the first place but he was getting stronger, he's court etc to get through next I hope he survives it. I feel I'm responsible and its weighing me down so. Much. Thanks for responding hope you are keeping well xx


Member since
June 2021

472 posts

Posted Wed June 8, 2022 9:51pmReport post

Hi newlady,

First of all none of this is ur fault so DON'T even go blaming urself, unfortunately he is in a bad way and can see no way out, I no he seems like he is being selfish and probably is, BUT ITS NOT UR FAULT, I'm sorry I can be no more help, people are so quick to judge when they have no idea wat any of us are/have been through. Sending u a BIG HUG xxxx

Smile through tears

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September 2021

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Posted Thu June 9, 2022 4:37amReport post

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Edited Fri June 10, 2022 2:41pm


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Posted Thu June 9, 2022 6:39amReport post

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Edited Tue October 24, 2023 9:12am


Member since
April 2021

644 posts

Posted Thu June 9, 2022 8:27amReport post

Thank you all so much for your kind words and advice. It's so good to talk to someone about this, he's had a lot going on as well as his crime, I love him and am so proud of how far he's come he's worked so hard and has been completely honest with me, that's why I'm so angry with him. Turns out, it was the mental health nurse in the hospital that reported it to ss, for no reason. When I went over to see him b4 he got out (I work at the same hospital) he said he felt judged by him and there was another one with him writing notes who didn't talk at all and just glared. We talked about it yesterday and he said compared to the other nurses in past he felt like it was an interrogation. I'm fuming and a complaint will be put in. I've to call ss today as couldnt take her call today. I understand he felt no way out I lost my twin last year to accidentally overdose. He knows this so made me madder. I'm trying to help him agsin but this is the last time I can't take anymore. Thank you all so much for listening xx


Member since
April 2021

644 posts

Posted Thu June 9, 2022 10:41amReport post

Update. Spoke to social worker, turns out the nurse twisted everything he said. He was telling them about the start of our relationship when he stayed when kids were at their dad's, then he moved in slowly. He was all muddled up considering his own state of mind, and told them about our entire relationship. Shecwas very understanding, considering my boys have grown up and one's moved out, the mh nurse told them my person was hving contact with him and my 15 year old!!!! And staying at home when they were there. My son doesnt even live with me lol big complaint bring put in.


Member since
April 2021

644 posts

Posted Thu June 9, 2022 10:41amReport post

Update. Spoke to social worker, turns out the nurse twisted everything he said. He was telling them about the start of our relationship when he stayed when kids were at their dad's, then he moved in slowly. He was all muddled up considering his own state of mind, and told them about our entire relationship. Shecwas very understanding, considering my boys have grown up and one's moved out, the mh nurse told them my person was hving contact with him and my 15 year old!!!! And staying at home when they were there. My son doesnt even live with me lol big complaint bring put in.


Member since
December 2021

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Posted Thu June 9, 2022 1:55pmReport post

Newlady sorry you're going through this.
So many professionals have little or no understanding of this situation and they really do not help offenders or families. It makes me so mad. And twisting words - I've had this with SW a lot!
in court this week I knew the answers to questions coming from solicitor and judge (mostly thanks to this wonderful forum) and all the research I've done in the last 6 months, and thought you should really know that!!
They really do need better educated. Hope your oh gets the support he needs, take care of yourself too and good luck with complaint x


Member since
April 2021

644 posts

Posted Thu June 9, 2022 2:37pmReport post

Thanks Jay Jay, he contacted his mh team and gp who are livid how he's been treated, I've been judged too and the guy never even met me! To be fair social worker was loveky and thank god had no issues with my safeguarding. He asked my person to go from start of our relationship, he told them about him. Moving in slowly etc. He twisted it p, plus there were two of them. The other one stated at him. Nit saying a word. So gp, social worker, his other team and myself all complaining. Good luck with court! I can feel your nerves in your writing, I've had to push many things too with professionals but thank god he's a good barrister now. Let us know how everythung goes and take care of yourself. Xx


Member since
April 2021

644 posts

Posted Thu June 9, 2022 10:36pmReport post

Thanks Lee I am dealing with it alone, but I have you guys so it's all good, least I have that, so 5 other health professionals putting in complaints about the way he's been treated and also myself, he's not getting away with it xx


Member since
April 2021

644 posts

Posted Fri June 10, 2022 7:30amReport post

Lee I swear I'm so angry his last mental health nurse was amazing, she's the boss but wasn't there that day so she's been informed, his gp put in a formal complaint and statement. Also I'm gonna complain formally too that he asked questions about the start of our relationship and twisted it all. I'm gobsmacked my poor partners head was all over the place at the time too. Ill definitely keep you all updated x