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Member since
June 2022

7 posts

Posted Wed June 8, 2022 8:42pmReport post

Has anyone ever succeeded in this? It's only been a week since the knock, but obviously this is such a huge concern.

Not only would partner lose all his work if this came out (and find it incredibly hard to get any more work without moving far away), it would significantly affect my work too - potentially to the point of losing my job. My colleagues are all local, as are family and friends.

I know this won't be unique at all. But media seems such a disproportionate outcome when he is likely to suffer punishment anyway. First offence, cat c possession, distribution, making (possibly one cat b but disputed). It's such a horrible horrible situation. I believe he neither was seeking out nor knew the ages (we aren't talking young children). There is no excuse, but media coverage would ruin both our lives, regardless if we stayed together. How can that be fair?

Edited Wed June 8, 2022 8:42pm


Member since
June 2022

7 posts

Posted Thu June 9, 2022 11:25pmReport post

Thanks Lee. I guess I was asking if anyone had ever managed to stop the media reporting somehow? That's by far our biggest fear because the consequences for both of us are so huge. Even if we don't stay together, I fear for my future too.

If it gets out, we have to move and restart our lives elsewhere because he is guaranteed to lose his work. It just kills me because he was incredibly stupid, but at no point did he search for iioc or was made aware what he viewed/shared was iioc. He should have questioned it 100%, but it was a stupid stupid mistake that could ruin both our lives. It's brutal.


Member since
June 2022

7 posts

Posted Fri June 10, 2022 10:18amReport post

Thank you Lee. I haven't sourced any help yet. I keep thinking about calling my work's counselling line but i just don't know what to say or where to start. Due to the nature of my partner's work (nothing with children/vulnerable people) he would certainly lose his job and would likely struggle to get anything in the same sector. All I keep thinking is while what he's done certainly isn't clever, there was no intent/malice to it. It was a very stupid mistake where he should have known better, but that could now cost us literally everything. The pain is unbearable.


Member since
June 2022

7 posts

Posted Fri June 10, 2022 10:18amReport post

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Edited Fri June 10, 2022 10:18am


Member since
January 2021

66 posts

Posted Sun June 12, 2022 6:32pmReport post

Yes the case I know there was a risk to life issue and mental health evidence (As in if found out the wife could try suicide)


Member since
November 2020

87 posts

Posted Mon June 13, 2022 10:36pmReport post

Dino could you give more info on that please? Xx
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