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Probation and SS post plea hearing

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Member since
December 2021

695 posts

Posted Sun June 12, 2022 7:04pmReport post

Oh at magistrates last week, pleaded guilty to making iioc. Sentencing has been agreed for magistrates next month.

we are supposed to be on a CIN with SS with monthly visits. Not heard from them in 2 months which had made me rather happy :)

probation said at plea hearing that they would let SW know of guilty plea/Magistrates visit etc still haven't heard anything.
Probation also said that they would TRY and meet with oh soon but joked that if not he would see him 'just before sentencing'. Obviously we would not let this happen as he want the PSR in good time and going through it with a fine tooth comb so we will contact them this week!
Has anyone experienced this before? If he's such a risk why wouldn't everyone be in touch asap?! Isn't probation supposed to be in touch regularly?!
also when can we expect a copy of the draft SHPO and would this come to the solicitor or probation?
does everyone with a conviction of iioc and on the SOR get a SHPO?

Also I am now in a position where I wish for him to stay overnight a couple of nights a week and see how we get on.
Do I raise this with probation or SW first?
and do I have wait until after sentancing next month before I raise this or ask about it now?
Part of me wants to contact SW but part of me wants to see how long it goes before they actually contact me and check we are ok!!!



Member since
March 2022

439 posts

Posted Sun June 12, 2022 8:19pmReport post

I have no advise other than my contact with ss is zero they came once did an assessment said I had to supervise visits ect . She said she was moving to a different area so I will have somone else. I only have her phone nu Ber no email and have never had a plan emailed or anything . I text her a few days ago and said who can I speak to. To ask questions and how do I contact my new social worker. And asked how I move forward in easing any restrictions and have had no reply . I don't want them to spring up or anything but wanted to let them know I want to work on things not just never see him . With 2nd Interview looping and summer holidays coming up I thought maybe to go camping before shit hits the fan incase it's our last trip together but didn't know if it would be possible. After sentencing and things I've heard people ask permission to go on a holiday or have an other night stay but I don't even know how to contact xxx


Member since
December 2021

890 posts

Posted Sun June 12, 2022 8:24pmReport post

I understand that everyone with a conviction will be put in the SOR and receive a SHPO. The duration of both are determined by the sentence.

Re the PSR, just to set some expectations - We received his at 4.45 the day before court. In the end we were grateful to have recieved it at all, because at the time there were so many hearings being cancelled because they weren't ready. Hopefully you'll recieve in advance. Perhaps you could see if you can find common clauses that may be in the SHPO that you'd want to dispute, it may help if you don't get much chance to read it before the hearing - It's something I wish we'd done as we couldn't discuss it with the barrister the night before and he only had a very brief time with the barrister before his hearing and we were both extremely emotional, having said our goodbyes.


Member since
December 2021

695 posts

Posted Sun June 12, 2022 8:56pmReport post

Hi Lee, he was introduced to probation officer at the plea hearing and was told he'd be the most important person in his life in the next month and would be in contact to do the PSR?!
its about 50 days since last SW contact and that was an email. Last visit was 2 weeks prior. I'm unsure Whether to chase or use it against them that they've left us so long, if I needed to! Had 3 different social workers in 6 months.

xxx I supervise all visits/contact too and was told if we want to go on holiday we need to get 2 separate accommodations as no overnight stays are allowed at all x


Member since
December 2021

695 posts

Posted Sun June 12, 2022 8:59pmReport post

xxx Google your local council childrens services and they will put you in touch with the correct person. Absolutely discusting they haven't been in touch and you haven't got contact details. Ours are based at the local childrens centre if that helps at all but a quick Google search will get your their details x


Member since
December 2021

695 posts

Posted Sun June 12, 2022 8:59pmReport post

I also read on this forum that the oic drafts the SHPO Lee? X

Chelsea 1

Member since
June 2021

878 posts

Posted Sun June 12, 2022 9:37pmReport post


Before hubby had his sentencing he was told his SHPO but his barrister wanted 2 things taken off because these are just internet stuff and nothing to do with meeting folk etc. So the judge took 2 items off the list.



Member since
December 2021

695 posts

Posted Sun June 12, 2022 9:49pmReport post

Ok thanks Lee. It was actually his solicitor (who was excellent in court) who said PO would be most important person in the next month. It's all so confusing!

How you doing Chelsea? How long before sentencing did you get to see SHPO?

any recommendations when to broach overnight stays - before or after sentencing? X

Chelsea 1

Member since
June 2021

878 posts

Posted Sun June 12, 2022 11:00pmReport post

Hiya Jayjay.

We are doing ok thank you. How you coping ?

We saw the SHPO about 2 hours before sentencing and we all agreed that 2 things should be taken off. Our barrister and the other team including the judge all agreed.
