Family and Friends Forum

Second interview - why is it happening so quickly?

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Member since
June 2022

175 posts

Hi, I've been lurking on here since it all happened for us end April. Partner of 17 years arrested at home - and the roller coaster of horror began... learning and having to think and talk about things I never thought would be part of my life. He has now been invited for second interview. Based on what I've read elsewhere, this is really quick (we're in London). My instinct is that this is not a good sign. Would welcome anything anyone can offer based on their experience. Thank you.

Posted Tue June 14, 2022 3:53pm
Edited Wed June 15, 2022 5:04pmReport post


Member since
September 2021

299 posts

Hi I suggest you post this in discussion and support. More people seem to reply in that category on a more regular basis hopefully you'll get more advice there x

Posted Wed June 15, 2022 9:05pmReport post


Member since
December 2021

695 posts

Hi, the knock came November, second interview early January, which is where they told him what they had found and how many.

I don't think it's always bad sign as such, as at least it's moving. In our case I bugged the oic and he pushed us to the front of the queue.
What was knock originally for and how many devices did they take? X

Posted Wed June 15, 2022 9:24pmReport post

Quick exit