Family and Friends Forum

Prohibited images & extreme porn

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Member since
November 2020

62 posts

Posted Tue June 14, 2022 6:34pmReport post

We've received the charge notice and a date for plea.

On the charges there is possession of prohibited images (c.400) and also possession of extreme porn ( c.300)

Does anyone have experience of these charges?


Member since
January 2022

74 posts

Posted Tue June 14, 2022 9:52pmReport post

My son also had hundreds of images/videos of extreme porn and lots of prohibited images - far more than the iioc images. There are no detailed sentencing guidelines for these offences, just an indication of the maximum sentence which varies depending on the nature of the extreme porn.

He got a suspended sentence with 150 hours community service.

Ultimately, every case is different and depends on so many factors but any iioc charges will take precedence and influence how the porn is judged.

Fingers crossed for you and lots of hugs, this time is very stressful but at least this part of the journey is ending. Xx

Edited Tue June 14, 2022 11:10pm