Family and Friends Forum

20 months and done.

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Member since
October 2020

479 posts

Posted Wed June 15, 2022 1:59pmReport post

Magistrates sentencing done.

The wait is over.

2 year community order which includes rehab days, 3 months alcohol abstinence, 200 hours of unpaid work reduced to 150 for early guilty plea and a ridiculous 5 year stretch on the sex offenders register. Only due to sentencing guidelines is it 5 years so it's no fault of the magistrates as they were just following guidelines.

No mention of a SHPO... He also got two small fines.

We were the first case heard which was great. Good presentence report other than one thing I didn't and neither did the solicitor agree with; a custodial sentence does apply here. The solicitor did say in his case that he doesn't agree with that part.

Mentioned all of the work he'd done already. Mentioned other cases that are often hundreds and thousands. Took about 30 minuets in court and 20 minuets before reading and discussing the pre sentence report with the solicitor.

We can get on with our lives now... Just trying to decompress and digest now.


Member since
March 2021

141 posts

Posted Wed June 15, 2022 2:34pmReport post


Pleased this part is all over for you both. We are just near ending the community order those 2 years went really quickly for us. So hopefully before you know it, this part will be done.

Sending virtual hug



Member since
March 2022

439 posts

Posted Wed June 15, 2022 2:47pmReport post

So happy for you both it's finally over xx


Member since
April 2021

644 posts

Posted Wed June 15, 2022 3:16pmReport post

So pleased for you both it's finally over xx


Member since
March 2022

965 posts

Posted Wed June 15, 2022 3:19pmReport post

Post deleted

Edited Tue October 24, 2023 9:12am


Member since
December 2021

633 posts

Posted Wed June 15, 2022 3:35pmReport post

Blackhound, I guess this is good news in that it could have been a lot worse. Glad to hear that stage is now behind you and hope every goes smoothly from now on.


Member since
June 2022

337 posts

Posted Wed June 15, 2022 4:15pmReport post


Blackhound can I ask what the work was that was done before court and what charges were? fairly new here and still finding my way arond the forums.

Anne 20 - where charges roughly the same as for Blackhound?

Sorry to ask but the waiting is horrendous, we are 7 months in and nothing yet happening.


Member since
June 2022

337 posts

Posted Wed June 15, 2022 4:27pmReport post

just looking for advice on what can be done before any charges might be made. addressing issues with alcohol and having counselling for childhood trauma and past addictions which is helping depression and dark moods immensely. wish we'd found counselling sooner xx

Upset mum

Member since
June 2020

2359 posts

Posted Wed June 15, 2022 4:39pmReport post


I have followed your journey since the beginning

So glad for the outcome for you both

As one door closes on this journey a new journey begins and I wish you both all the very best and happiness will shine back down on you both

Deep breath you survived xx

Hugs sent xx


Member since
March 2021

141 posts

Posted Wed June 15, 2022 5:23pmReport post


Please don't worry about asking anything this is the only place you can.

My hub was for possession of 3 Cat C. He had a 2 year community order,with 40 days of work, which he already done most on the LFF course unpaid hours, a court fee, and 5 years on the SOR no SHPO.

Both done in magistrate pre sentence and sentence.

He also still finding courses for himself to do which has gone down really well with probation and Visor team.

Virtual hug


Edited Wed June 15, 2022 5:29pm

Polly Pocket

Member since
May 2022

440 posts

Posted Wed June 15, 2022 7:35pmReport post

Time to move onto the next step for you guys. I'm glad it went well - here's to your future xxx


Member since
June 2022

337 posts

Posted Wed June 15, 2022 7:44pmReport post

Anne20, thank you for the"hug", much needed and welcome.

We're doing character references, letter from him saying sorry,vhow he's doing since the Knock and what he's doing. Not 100% sure whats been going on except maybe communication with minors, now disgusted with himself and says he has no future, dreading next steps :(


Member since
December 2021

695 posts

Posted Wed June 15, 2022 9:05pmReport post

Pleased sentencing is over for you Blackhound and you can look forward.

couple of q's if you don't mind?

I assumed all these crimes came with SHPO ?
what does a community order entail?

sleep well x


Member since
October 2020

479 posts

Posted Wed June 15, 2022 9:08pmReport post

Thanks Everyone...

Really appreciate all the comments and well wishes...I am going to try and not come on here that often now other than maybe for advice on sex offenders register... Gonna try and move on with life xx