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Post court and working

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Member since
April 2021

140 posts

Posted Thu June 16, 2022 9:16pmReport post

Hi all,

We are now nearly two months past sentencing where my partner received a suspended sentence for communication with a decoy.

After disclosing to his employer after sentencing, he was let go from his job. He's a talented web designer and had hoped to go freelance but his visor manager is now flagging that his internet only SHPO won't allow for file sharing websites like WeTransfer.

I totally understand why that restriction is there but it's also so frustrating as there's no way of being able to send and receive designs if he can't use a website like that.

Sorry this wasn't for advice but just so frustrated. Everytime we get forward even by a little bit, we get knocked back again.

He's due to move home and for us to be signed off by SS in the next four weeks and then for this to happen just means we now don't know what he can do for work. He's been applying for permanent roles but nothing out there atm/nobody is getting back to him.


Member since
December 2021

890 posts

Posted Thu June 16, 2022 9:51pmReport post

I understand your frustration, we are far away from considering employment, my person also worked in IT /design - it's unlikely he'll be able to work in this area again and I struggle to think what he could do and that would be fulfilling enough to engage him. I hadn't even thought about the repricussion of this clause - So many companies use online shared drives now such as Google Drive, I assume these would also fall into this category?

I hope someone can offer you some practical advice.

But it's great news he can come back home though.

Edited Thu June 16, 2022 9:53pm


Member since
December 2021

695 posts

Posted Thu June 16, 2022 10:47pmReport post

Hi Pregnant,

Just a q about being signed off from SS - are you waiting to be signed off then moving him back home or have you told them you want him back home and they've said wait 4 weeks? I'm still undecided about him moving home and don't know how to broach the subject with SS?

My oh was sacked from his highly paid skilled job (not even sentenced yet) and he will take any job that comes along regardless of what it is, hours and pay. He will do it to provide for us, a jobs a job. It is really sad having worked his way up but this is just other repercussion of this crime x


Member since
April 2021

140 posts

Posted Fri June 17, 2022 6:48amReport post

Hi both,

Yes he will just get a job, any job but it's still frustrating that this is a blocker. Apparently it would be fine if he was employed, as they will check via their own networks.

im the breadwinner and can provide for us all but it just puts more pressure on me atm. Which with a one year old at home isn't the easiest.

in terms of him coming home - it's a phased transition plan that SS, probation and his visor manager have all fed into as well as with the advice of his StopSO therapist. He'll be home in four weeks after building up times and eventually staying over. Then once he's gone if all is well then he will be home for good and then we get signed off.