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Had first official Visor meeting.

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Chelsea 1

Member since
June 2021

878 posts

Posted Fri June 17, 2022 3:15pmReport post

Hello ladies.

Just a quick catch up.

Had our first official visit from the Visor team today.

Just brings everything up again. But hayho it's the process we have to go through.

Forms to fill out and details of devices etc.


Upset mum

Member since
June 2020

2359 posts

Posted Fri June 17, 2022 3:22pmReport post

Hi Chelsea1

Hope you are both doing ok and that the meeting wasnt to bad for you both xx

We are a long way from a Visor visit as yet xx

Chelsea 1

Member since
June 2021

878 posts

Posted Fri June 17, 2022 6:48pmReport post

Hiya Upsetmum.

Wasnt to bad to be honest. I knew pretty much all because of reading it up and looking on here.

Lots of questions. Took all of his device details the lot.

How's you lovely ? Xx

Upset mum

Member since
June 2020

2359 posts

Posted Fri June 17, 2022 7:01pmReport post

Hi Chelsea1

Glad it went ok x

Were ok we have another visit Sunday with my son just me and his sister xx he is doing ok x

Chelsea 1

Member since
June 2021

878 posts

Posted Sat June 18, 2022 11:06amReport post

Hiya Upsetmum.

Just forms to fill in. Plain cloths took all his details and nothing else.

Hope your visit goes ok lovely xx


Member since
December 2019

499 posts

Posted Sat June 18, 2022 5:53pmReport post

Were you required to be there or was it voluntary? I wasnt available for my partner's first home visit and the police wrote up saying (despite never meeting me) that they made assumptions I was childish all because I had some pop culture figurines. That was very annoying.

I have since met the police officer and not really sure what they think of me now but I wish I could have been there from the beginning.


Member since
December 2021

695 posts

Posted Sat June 18, 2022 10:08pmReport post

Hi Chelsea

hope youre ok.
What is the purpose of a visor is it like a probation officer ? Do they just check up on you and are the visits planned or spontaneous?

majestic what on earth!! They can't make that kind of assumption and even if you were immature then so what!!?! X

Chelsea 1

Member since
June 2021

878 posts

Posted Sun June 19, 2022 8:41pmReport post

Hiya majestictopaz.

They came around last week but we wasn't in so the visor manager left his telephone number. We arranged a date which was Friday just gone.

Two plain cloths police officers came in. Chatted. Took all his details from height, weight and what his shoe size was. Smoking or not even drinking or not.

Took his phone details and ps5 log in details the lot.

Lots of questions by me about holidays etc and was all good.


Chelsea 1

Member since
June 2021

878 posts

Posted Sun June 19, 2022 8:43pmReport post

Hiya Jayjay.

How's you lovely.
We are doing ok thank you lovely. Just going through the details and making a start with stuff.

Like I said above that we arranged for the chats and meeting but the next time it won't be. They took details of his phone and ps5 and details about himself. Just be clear and you should be ok.
