Family and Friends Forum

Father's Day

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Member since
November 2020

22 posts

Posted Sun June 19, 2022 6:04pmReport post

Feeling sad today. I have come such a long way since the knock over 2 years ago. We separated but remain on good terms with me supporting contact. However, now he is in prison we are awaiting a decision about my son having contact. So myself and his friend visited today. The visit went well but I ache a little for being the family we once were and doing ordinary family stuff like marking Father's Day. I lost my dad at 12 and had a pretty tough time afterwards. It feels like, once again, those dreams of family life have slipped away. I am sort of ok, coping well but feeling a little sad right now. Thinking of all you other mum's or children feeling a little the same.


Member since
December 2020

150 posts

Posted Sun June 19, 2022 10:51pmReport post

Sorry it's been a bad day.
I know how you feel, the longing and what could have been.
I still don't know the outcome if will be prison or not, my knock was almost two years ago now.

Christmas Chaos

Member since
May 2022

131 posts

Posted Sun June 19, 2022 11:35pmReport post

Know exactly what you're feeling. Today was tough xx


Member since
November 2020

22 posts

Posted Mon June 20, 2022 4:26pmReport post

Thanks for the replies. I am glad yesterday has passed.

I am at least thankful that we are asfar along as we are. He was told prison was very unlikely but it seems the particular judge he had has a reputation of being very harsh in these cases. Even though we are separated it was a horrible shock at first. I have adjusted and our son is coping as well as you could hope. I hope for a day when my son is able to have a more average relationship with his dad, They have always been close.

Thinking of you both on your own journeys.