Family and Friends Forum

Life after...

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Member since
October 2020

479 posts

Posted Sun June 26, 2022 9:58amReport post


Bear with me, I'm going to be making a lot of posts the next few weeks on various topics so sorry ahead about the spam...

Fr those who are living together with their person after they have been found guilty, what's life like ?

Be brutal with me, the good, the bad, the dirty...

Have you been found out after a move ?

Have you disclosed to the new area ahead so that you can tell your side ?

Are you constantly looking over your shoulder ?

Has life actually gotten better or is it worse ?


Member since
October 2020

479 posts

Posted Sun June 26, 2022 11:46amReport post

Lee I'm so glad life is calmer, especially in temp accommodation... Must be a little freeing in that sense to be calm given everything ... That's true, what would be the point? I suppose more than anything that we move and someone finds out and they don't approach us to ask what it is about... Then judge us... I think it's causing a great deal of trauma, especially given the fact that they still use the word making, not downloading a copy of ...

I can handle problems with insurance, holidays and socialising because quite frankly all my friends and family know now... We've given them all the time they need to make a decision on what they want fr me and if they want to see my partner in the future and we both respect their decision... I will if I need to go to fily events by myself...

I guess it's the anixety of not know what's happening to move to a new place and potentially having the look over our shoulders...