Family and Friends Forum

Why does everyone feel personally attacked

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Member since
October 2020

479 posts

Posted Mon June 27, 2022 2:38pmReport post

Here's a question. And I'm not a parent to a human child. I am a parents to a few dogs.

Why is it when people find out about your persons sexual offending, they feel personally attacked? This might be best answered by a parent from this forum because I just cannot understand... If I knew someone down the road was a sex offender and used animal images, I would just keep my dog away from them...

But maybe I am missing something here...

Edited Mon June 27, 2022 2:49pm


Member since
March 2022

439 posts

Posted Mon June 27, 2022 3:39pmReport post

Not me personally but I think parents feel they need the offender put of the area . I think they feel that because they have veiwed images online that's the starting of somones behaviour to steal a child . Kidnap ect or they just feel that the person is looking at there child in a strange way . When I first moved in my house I was warned about next door being a" creep " he had been stalking a girl or somthing and was in the paper. I have never seen him or spoke to him and I would never say anything rude but I was abit warey if my daughter was in the garden in the pool ect I always made sure she was covered .

Not sure if this answers your question but I think all the film's and books ect people including myself have some thought in the back off there head that if we arnt looking then our children might be gone .

I have never understood anything like this before and if I wasn't in this situation I wouldnt understand I would be shocked to hear soone in the area was arested for iioc



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December 2021

890 posts

Posted Mon June 27, 2022 4:12pmReport post

I think it's natural to that anyone would be cautious unless they invested a lot of time in understanding these crimes. What I don't understand is why people attack or abuse people - Perhaps I just don't have that much anger or hate in me.

I guess if I think about my neices and nephews and that if I found out my neighbour was convicted of one of these crimes, I feel I'd want to be cautious and protect them when they came to visit, but I guess the angry feeling might come from feeling that at I'm having to do that in my home, my peace and tranquility that I've worked hard for has been disturbed through not fault of my own. Perhaps if I knew the person better I'd be less afraid or concerned because I'd have some context to the situation, just as I do with my person, so I'd have more information to assess the risk and therefore how much my peace and tranquility was really being disturbed.

I guess it's similar to if someone had stolen previously you'd perhaps be more cautious, or even of you lent something to someone and they broke it, you'd be more cautious lending them something again. For these 2 examples though, we are in relative control, but it is not easy or cheap to just move house to be away from what is concerning you and feelings of anger might be evoked from - Why should I have to move?

What I really don't understand though is the kind do abuse and threats you have received.


Member since
October 2020

479 posts

Posted Mon June 27, 2022 9:04pmReport post

I guess the angry feeling might come from feeling that at I'm having to do that in my home, my peace and tranquility that I've worked hard for has been disturbed through not fault of my own. Perhaps if I knew the person better I'd be less afraid or concerned because I'd have some context to the situation, just as I do with my person, so I'd have more information to assess the risk and therefore how much my peace and tranquility was really being disturbed.

That really hit this question I had home for me... I have all the information and understand... They obviously don't have the information and don't care, they just worry for their children, which is natural. I think because I am aware of what's happened I am more at liberty to say why do you worry? Understanding people is so, so, so hard in this situation because no one wants to understand something if it's not a part of their world. And that's fair enough.

I don't get the abuse no, it's not nice at all. It has quitened down, for now but I am still going to just crack on with things to get moving.


Member since
October 2020

479 posts

Posted Mon June 27, 2022 9:09pmReport post

Not sure if this answers your question but I think all the film's and books ect people including myself have some thought in the back off there head that if we arnt looking then our children might be gone .

Tell me if I am being niave and stupid because I am not a han parent... Shouldn't parents be looking if there kids are playing outside everynow and again to check... It's not the same but this reminds me of what happened with Little Maddie McCan.... Parents were quite happy to let her go to sleep whilst they were relaxing... And she actually disappeared ... And there were seemingly no SOs in the area...

Again sorry if I sound shrude.... I just try and see it from everyone's POV which includes my own and I hate it when other won't see it from my POV... They don't have to agree with it...


Member since
March 2022

439 posts

Posted Tue June 28, 2022 9:16amReport post

Yea I wouldn't leave my kids in the garden alone or anything . But I think it's just like alerting the fear . Like if you know somones house has been broken in to ect down the road it puts you on edge makes you worry were as you might not have worries before.

It's all lack of knowledge mainly . And I have never read a story in the media like we explain on here . So I have never read a story like man ended up in court threw porn addiction which lead to iioc .

It would be like pedofile finally caught after months of hiding iioc .

I honestly don't understand people I have just done the school run and there's parents that don't like me already and I've never stepped a toe out of line .


Member since
October 2020

479 posts

Posted Tue June 28, 2022 9:51amReport post


Parents should be more vigilant of their children and what they are doing instead of being so concerned about who lives where, what other adults have done etc. If they just concentrate on their children then their children will be safe from any outside influences.

Honestly thank you, it's so refreshing to hear someone say that parents need to tak responsibility for their children's safety ! Be vigilant...

Yeah I get that no one actually want to address the issues with the terminology used and it's so frustrating... Literally the word making rui s everything...