Family and Friends Forum

Trying to put a positive spin on everything

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Member since
May 2022

78 posts

Posted Mon June 27, 2022 11:38pmReport post

I'm just trying to be positive on here and I'm fully aware that it's hard to be positive under the circumstances .. now as you can tell by my user name I'm a guy lol and it's not hard to work out most on here are lovely ladies.

Now as barristers are in the news at the moment I would like to point out that the law of this land says that any crime has to be proven beyond all reasonable doubt.

I see alot on here who most understandably go into blind panic and to be fair why wouldn't you due to the nature of the crime but its not clear cut at all ..I see alot of decoy related incidents which are subject to dubious evidence to say the least this needs to be questiioned at the least .....because of the nature of the crime the police are playing on the facts that most people will just lay down and die and not contest the evidence just to get it over and done with unless for example your like Lee who will contest the evidence.

Now when you get the knock it's shock and awe but as time goes on you get a clearer picture and you start thinking in a clearer frame of mind the evidence has to be proved beyond all reasonable doubt and this is if hard evidence is produced it may be a more difficult but it still can be questioned and in the case of decoys even more so.

All the ladies on here are going through hell and doing there absolute best to get through it ones with young children must be so hard to understand everything.

The police are there to get a conviction that's there job and they will do anything they can to get it ....but please don't just go along with it that's what they want it makes it easy for them ....remember the evidence must proven beyond all reasonable doubt...I understand because of the nature of the crime no one wants it out in open if it can be avoided but it still has to be proven.

I'm in the same boat as all of you this forum is a great help and really does give alot of helpful information.

Hope the post isn't to long lol.

Smile through tears

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September 2021

2492 posts

Posted Tue June 28, 2022 4:36amReport post

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Edited Wed June 29, 2022 4:35am


Member since
April 2021

644 posts

Posted Tue June 28, 2022 6:57amReport post

You're totally right Rick, my person has 3 charges, 2 which were Contested, when solicitor asked police if they have evidence of these 2 charges they said 'no comment' that was last November, still waiting on evidence getting sent to barrister. Barrister says its probably because he didn't lie down and take it. Like why would he go diwn for something he didn't do, he's certainly guilty of one charge (communication with decoy) but the other two, nope. Thanks to this forem I've learnt and taught him to fight and not lie down to them,


Member since
May 2022

78 posts

Posted Tue June 28, 2022 10:06amReport post

Totally agree Lee it's been installed in us mostly that the police will always be honest and upfront but that's not always the case like I've said before they just want a conviction it's there job but they need evidence that's watertight it's how the law works if they haven't got good evidence the other way is getting the accused to confess once someone has confessed it's game over job done for the police . They will play on fear due to the nature of it and its easy to say something that could incimanate themselves.


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July 2021

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Posted Tue June 28, 2022 12:02pmReport post

I absolutely agree with you Rick. I think it's very hard to discuss the ins and outs of cases on here too, not just because of the limited aspect of typing out paragraphs on our phones but also due to the worry of being identified! Because we can't really discuss too much it makes it harder to speak about things which could help others and also, probably some damage will be done in first interviews or if someone is caught by the awful groups of people we dislike.

Once it's all over (whenever that may be) I look forward to sharing all the ins and outs of my case in the hope that it helps someone else who may need it.

Polly Pocket

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May 2022

440 posts

Posted Tue June 28, 2022 12:25pmReport post

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Edited Tue June 28, 2022 6:27pm