Family and Friends Forum


Member since
October 2020

479 posts

Posted Tue June 28, 2022 8:55amReport post

What can Mappa share to the neighborhood.. I was told yesterday but the neighborhood that they have a Mappa meeting to "keep their children safe", even though the police officers told these people what town my partner is now residing in.


Member since
October 2020

479 posts

Posted Tue June 28, 2022 9:40amReport post

So two of the people who came over Friday and threatened me came over yesterday and apologised and wanted an explanation further of what my partner did... They also warned me that if he's back they're going to go for him again.

He won't be going back but the neighbor still said apparently a few of them have an appointment with the Mappa team to discuss their plans with him to keep their children safe from a man who isn't and won't be here.


Member since
January 2022

74 posts

Posted Tue June 28, 2022 9:50amReport post

Oh Blackhound, I am so sorry for you. What a horrendous overreaction to three images, downloaded for reasons other than 'interest in children'.

This is the direct result of sensationalist press reporting and lack of knowledge of the complexity of sex offences.

Perhaps a phone call to Unlock, or the Probation or Visor officer handling your partner's case would help?

Stay strong xxx


Member since
October 2020

479 posts

Posted Tue June 28, 2022 10:50amReport post

So the police officers had to confirm where I was and we had to tell them we were not near the house and specifically where we were...

That's true, they did come for more information... I'm often so niave and that's my caring nature. Noted I won't give them anymore information....

I've emailed the visor team about the Mappa thing and also let them know I am not happy the officer told the neighborhood where we were at the time. I've also on your advice called the probation team. It's absolutely not in order to do this.

Polly Pocket

Member since
May 2022

440 posts

Posted Tue June 28, 2022 12:36pmReport post

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Edited Wed October 4, 2023 10:33pm


Member since
December 2019

499 posts

Posted Tue June 28, 2022 12:43pmReport post

I doubt they have done any research on online offenders and difference in contact offending. What are they worried about your partner doing to their kids exactly?

Sad fact is that most child abuse is not done by strangers, mostly family and family friends...

I think they are just throwing out scary words and trying to get info. Don't say anything, if you have to just say you will be contacting the police about the interaction. They may have recorded your convo, as in hide recording devices.

I hope this blows over as soon as possible for you.


Member since
October 2020

479 posts

Posted Tue June 28, 2022 3:48pmReport post

Sorry Lee I'm probably not being too clear, they kept asking us where the town, the officer and the control centre person because we phone them and they were like how do you know someone has covered up your camera (which is why we reported the call)... A side note, the neighbour felt an invasion of privacy because my camera point into the neighborhood, specifically on to the area outside my front yard which and an open area to the road/opposite houses... Kinda of unavoidable....

I have asked the visor team who have been great and said they work for the Mappa team and they have no future plans to have a chat with individuals of communities so I think the officers are promising things they cannot back up and saying town names of those being hunted in their stupidity... I have asked if the officers who were there could be spoken to so that they don't make the mistake of revealing where my partner works... Which is a very very very dangerous. The kind of dangerous where his life is in danger and he has no escape...

Polly I think you're right... They're putting in words that sound good ....

Majestic, they're just stupid people who jump on to anyone that could be seen to touch their kids. I spoke to those two people from the group yesterday that threatened me Friday and let them know, my husband doesn't like children, he's socially awkward around them so he wouldnt do anything...

I'm pretty sure as well sexual assualt would have been rife in the gypsy community in the past, which is what they are.. Permanent gypsies....

They have said now as long as my partner stays away they won't be saying anything to me but that's just those two. It's just him that if they see will be targeted... Lovely people.

Also... I recorded them. The whole conversation I recorded without them knowing as it's not a break of privacy on my property, it would be if i shared it... But I haven't.


Member since
April 2022

40 posts

Posted Tue June 28, 2022 6:00pmReport post

Blackhound so sorry for everything you are going through. Really thinking of you. I know for me this is where many of my anxieties lay around what happens If I'm the press and how people respond.

like Lee says if you feel at all at risk calm the police. Though i appreciate your faith in them will be questionable if they appear to have given out personal data - totally not on. We expect them to protect not to put at risk.

stay strong xx