Family and Friends Forum


Member since
May 2022

47 posts

Posted Tue June 28, 2022 10:30amReport post

Hi all,

I remember reading someone on here recommended a book for us to read. I think it had something to do with elephants in the title, but cannot find the post. Does anyone know the book or know any other books that us left behind may find solice in reading?

thanks xx


Member since
November 2019

104 posts

Posted Tue June 28, 2022 11:14pmReport post

Is this a useful or at least comforting read? I guess in the respect of feeling less alone?

I've just read the blurb, but undecided whether to brave reading it or not, any comments from anyone who has read it?


Member since
April 2021

644 posts

Posted Wed June 29, 2022 6:53amReport post

I started reading it last night after seeing this post, just out of curiosity, even though its different from my experiences of knock etc (mine was communication) so it's probably easier for me to read, but it's very well written and an intresting insight x


Member since
May 2022

47 posts

Posted Wed June 29, 2022 8:08amReport post

Thanks Lee, I've just ordered it on Amazon. I spent ages just trying to find some sort of first hand experience books or self help guides. I'm not 100% sure what I was searching for really...

This forum really is a great comfort though, there's nothing else out there really.


Member since
June 2022

51 posts

Posted Wed June 29, 2022 1:45pmReport post


I have just finished reading it its very sad and I cried alot. It is a bit different to my situation too. I wished I hadn't read it as I can't stop thinking about that aswell as everything eles. But that's just me I'm very over sensitive at the moment. Maybe if I'd of read it later on I would have different feelings.. I don't know.


Member since
April 2022

40 posts

Posted Thu June 30, 2022 9:11amReport post

Ordered it also and hoping it ma be useful. Thanks for noting it x