Family and Friends Forum


Member since
June 2022

51 posts

Posted Wed June 29, 2022 9:39amReport post

Hi apologies if I am posting in the wrong section but I'm still not used to this. My partner had his bail extended yesterday for another two months, can anyone tell me why this would be? He is very sparse with what he tells me. Thank you.


Member since
March 2022

439 posts

Posted Wed June 29, 2022 9:42amReport post

Hi are you waiting on laptops being checked? When my partner had the first arrest he was bailed then they extended it . Now he's classes as realessed under investigation so there's no time limit. Im not sure why they say 6weeks or 2 months when unfortunately it could be 1/2 years . The devices have been checked now but have to wait for a second inveiw then cps ect so will still be months :(


Member since
January 2022

29 posts

Posted Wed June 29, 2022 12:38pmReport post

Hi barb.

My partner had his bail extended 4 or 5 times we never actually knew the reason for the extensions as the police give very little information. This went on for 17 months for us, for some it's less some more but I do think this is a pretty standard time. It's very frustrating. As Lee said try and have an honest an open conversation with your partner as the not knowing can drive you crazy. I wish you the best of luck x x


Member since
June 2022

51 posts

Posted Wed June 29, 2022 1:33pmReport post

Thanks everyone just realised I said baul instead of Bail! Yes they have devices thank you for your responses. Gosh this is so difficult. I'm trying really hard to get through this as best I can but I just find myself looking at him and wondering who he is. Its hard because I'm waiting to move out but the property I'm moving to is taking so long to be ready. I've spoken to the help line a few times who are so helpful but I am drinking way too much to try and blot this out. Its still early days for me 5 weeks in so I know it will get easier in time. Thank you everyone.


Member since
June 2022

51 posts

Posted Wed June 29, 2022 4:05pmReport post

Yes I'm leaving him my kids won't come and see me or visit here and I won't see my grandkids they come first in all of this. They are still talking to him and he knows I am here for him if he needs me but I can't stay. We had a good relationship up until this or so I thought but it's done now. I get what you are saying about getting him to talk about it but if im honest I don't think I want to know. He said he just looked online I do believe he hasn't done anything eles . But I can't believe what he tells me anyway and the trust has gone. X


Member since
June 2022

51 posts

Posted Wed June 29, 2022 4:45pmReport post

No offence taken at all I appreciate your suggestions .. I kno what you mean about further down the line .. who knows I may want to know more we are staying friends I'm not moving very far and we have a dog that we are going to share.

Thank you for your help honestly.