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August 2021

49 posts

Posted Sat July 2, 2022 1:12pmReport post

Hi Everyone,

I haven't been on here in a while as I've been trying to prepare myself for what is to come. My partner recieved a call from the head of his case yesterday saying they have found the evidence on his phone and have invited him to the second interview. What happens at the interview does he recieve his charges?

I feel relieved that we have finally heard something and it's moving but I am scared for what will happen I think the call yesterday is still trying to process. Since this has started I'm on anxiety medication so I feel that is helping me cope better than I was.

Hope you are all doing ok sending love and hugs to you all xxxx

Edited Sat July 2, 2022 1:15pm


Member since
April 2021

644 posts

Posted Sat July 2, 2022 2:38pmReport post

Hi there, hope you're OK I know how this brings everything up again, it hit both of us right up the face when second interview happened. My person got charges read out yo him over the phone by solicitor, it caused so much upset because 2 of the charges weren't right, one was for a pic he actually sent to me he swore there were no pics in chat from the very start and none were shown at first or second interview so we are contesting that charge and a grooming charge as no arrangements to meet, they started convo first and it went down hill really quickly. That was Nov, still waiting on evidence being sent forward to barrister, complaints put in and they gave him a court date, still no evidence so no court. Barrister thinks they know they've nothing on him fir those charges so stretching it out as much as possible. Make sure he has solicitor present and answers no comment to everything. Read charges very clearly and he can contest ones he doesn't agree with as onky he knows what he's done xx