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Member since
March 2022

439 posts

Posted Mon July 4, 2022 9:44amReport post

Hi this isn't very important just wondering if people know what I can do .

Partner wants a little trip while he has a week of works and the kids are off school . But no idea were or what we can do as we can not sleep in the same place . Would 2 tents if we went camping or somthing work.

I have rang my social worker and messages she hasn't replied for weeks.

Also in the future ino all shpo are diffent but can't they go to parks soft play swimming ect

And I've read some things on here no family events ect . Why couldn't somone attend a wedding if there was small children there or eveen visit family with children ? If I'm there to supervise ect

He wouldn't want to attend anyway just somtimes a chirstening and things there will be so many people with children that we don't know ect but he would never be alone with children xxx


Member since
March 2022

439 posts

Posted Mon July 4, 2022 12:16pmReport post

Thank you they havnt said much other than I have to supervise he can't be alone for 1 second ect . And can't stay in the house at night . I have tried looking up the local SS so I can call and talk through things . The social worker we had doesn't reply and I have no contact for my new one. I havnt ever had a email or anything in writing just what I remeber from when she came. There bigger problems than holidays but just thought we could all do with a few days away from this mess to clear our heads and you never know could be our last xxx


Member since
March 2022

439 posts

Posted Mon July 4, 2022 12:35pmReport post

Thank you yes I will do that xx


Member since
December 2019

499 posts

Posted Mon July 4, 2022 1:17pmReport post

As mentioned above it depends on what is added to a SHPO. It seems CPS can be lazy and use the generic no contact with under 16s unless agreed with the parents and SS. If your partner is sentenced for online only (not communication) then it can be argued that such a condition isn't not relevant to his offending.

We had tried to contest the condition at sentencing but the lawyer was useless and the judge just told my partner he will need to contest it another time...

When it comes to the SOR and SHPO, and any other restrictions whilst waiting investigation outcome, ensure the rules are understood and clarification in writing. I too thought if I was supervising at family events it would be ok but it was actually a breach and my partner could have returned to court over it.

We now avoid any events where kids will be or might be present. Also if we were at friends house (childless) but they have unexpected family with kids turn up my partner will have to make his excuses to leave


Member since
March 2022

439 posts

Posted Mon July 4, 2022 5:12pmReport post

Okay thank you . I'm sure I said to the social worker about that my daughter always want to go to the park and all sorts and he comes along she said that was okay but what's the difference to children being in a park or at a wedding venue . I surpose if it's in the media we won't be able to be seen anywere that children are or they might attack him.How does it work with parks and zoos and places like that ? If we didn't have children he could never be in these situations but it's so hard to find activities to do as a family that don't involve other children being there xx


Member since
March 2022

439 posts

Posted Mon July 4, 2022 5:43pmReport post

Everything's just going round and round in my head all day . I think if it's in the media people will come to the house . Shout abuse ect and if we're were at a park he would get attacked or somthing I just feel very scared about normal things. Did you have any problems like that or did people just donthe cold shoulder . I think your alot stronger than me I can't eveen take it if someone doesn't say good morning when I walk out of the house xxx


Member since
March 2022

439 posts

Posted Mon July 4, 2022 5:45pmReport post

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Edited Mon July 4, 2022 5:49pm


Member since
March 2022

439 posts

Posted Mon July 4, 2022 8:41pmReport post

I find that so shocking that friends would just turn there back it's horrible but least your happier now . I barley get to see or speak to him to be honest he dose 12 hour shifts and when he pops in can't get a word in with my daughter she's so excited to see him. He's been in contact with the Lucy faithfull and a inforum course . Not to sure what else xx


Member since
March 2022

439 posts

Posted Mon July 4, 2022 9:23pmReport post

I will let him know and I will do thank you . Hopefully I have a health visitor appointment soon she's really nice into she doesn't deal with these cases or have much input but she came to the house for the assessment with the midwife before the baby was home and she's seen me at my worst she very kind and she is on the socials case she says they work hand in hand the social workers and her but she has heard nothing from her and she will contact on my behalf. She's about the only person that didn't see my partner as a monster and said she can put a case forward if I'm struggling and need him home with me ect but for now it's best were in seperate houses and working through this with some space xx