Family and Friends Forum

Questioning the CPS

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Member since
July 2021

876 posts


Has anyone got any knowledge or experience in directly appealing to the CPS to get their case dropped or know anything about to how to do it effectively please? I'm about at my wits end with the solicitors and the evidence is basically just words on some paper with no attachment whatsoever to my partner. I'm sick of waiting about for them to decide on a trial and actually looking at the evidence I cannot see how they would be able to convince a jury beyond reasonable doubt that he is guilty of any of the charges. I keep waiting and waiting but our lives have been on hold for over 15 months now, we've suffered emotional distress and all the rest of the crap that comes along with this and the bottom line seemingly is just wait your turn whilst dealing with sub-standard legal help. The defence statement still hasn't been done or entered and this should've happened ages ago - I believe the solicitor got an extension but fml in the meantime we'll just sit and rot shall we? I read on the CPS website that an extension can only be given really in extenuating circumstances and can be extended (I think) for 30 days and can be extended as much as they want. I just want to get in a room with a prosecutor and ask them if they really think 2+2 = 7 because I'm not sure what they're looking at but it's a joke.

Sorry - bit of a rant but I want to get married and buy a house and this is really starting to get up my nose!

Posted Tue July 5, 2022 3:55pmReport post


Member since
July 2021

876 posts

I thought as much but it seems so unfair and unjust, it doesn't directly affect human rights as in not being able to have a child and a couple of other things but it certainly makes it more difficult & not just that but if they got found guilty then it makes life harder for both of you & the child. There is a huge lack in the system here, I mean the whole system is flawed anyways, it's just ridiculous! On legal aid but I have contacted a very aggressive solicitor to try and get a meeting with hopes of taking all the evidence and getting some advice x

Posted Wed July 6, 2022 10:00amReport post


Member since
July 2021

876 posts

Yeah I was thinking possibly paying if the initial meeting brought about suggestions and enthusiasm because it would be worth it but I'm still waiting for a call back so so far not good!

That's true but even from the defendant's perspective it's very unfair. Regardless, innocent or guilty the process is an absolute disgrace. I guess nothing will change until there someone shines a light on it. There's a r*** case local to me and the defendant is of public interest, they pleaded not guilty and the trial has been scheduled for a specific date early next year. I'm guessing ours would probably be after that.

Posted Wed July 6, 2022 3:16pmReport post


Member since
April 2021

644 posts

Baffled we are still waiting on evidence since Nov as we are contesting two of the charges, they hvnt got the evidence to back these charges and they know it, one of the charges he's guilty of and he's gonna plead on that and try to plea bargin. We were told it will take one week for evidence to be sent across lol his barrister has been to police station and asked directly where it was and the response was 'don't have it art hand' then complained to cps bosses, they then gave us a court date for last month (3rd one) but still no evidence. I feel your frustration but pmease try to enjoy life a day at a time because God k ows when it will all happen for you both. No pint in filling yourself with anxiety because it's unfortunatly out of your control honey, just like me it took a long time to accept this bit now inhabe it's like a weight off xc

Posted Fri July 8, 2022 1:19pmReport post


Member since
July 2021

876 posts

Thanks Newlady, it's a flipping joke isn't it?! This kind of thing is probably the worst you can be accused of because of the stigma attached and imposes the toughest restrictions yet they have no care to try and deal with it in a timely manner. I have good days where I think the right thing will happen but I also have bad days where I think the worst will happen. We really want to get married, buy a house and have kids but with this hanging over you it makes it nearly impossible. I hope they pull their finger out for you too and you can move forward with life xx

Posted Fri July 8, 2022 2:29pmReport post

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