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Your perspective

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Member since
October 2020

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Posted Thu July 7, 2022 10:00amReport post

I'm interested in your perspective on this crime.

So I've been doing a lot of thinking recently on my own behaviour around this crime.

Im recently diagnosed with Autism, as is my partner. He's quite high on the spectrum, enough to warrant support needs such a therapy regularly.

I know this crime is wrong, but he didn't do anything to me that left a lasting imprint on my memory. He has done before and it's been a negative thing, it took my a long time to process and understand. But thi crime, I didn't 'catch him in the process' so for me the lasting imprint isn't there. I think this among other reasons is why people are angry with me, because I've had time to become used to this and understand from a partners perspective and I don't see that it had a lasting impact on my memory.

Our lives up to the very moment he was outed in the paper (I truly hope the women who published that article doesn't incite an incident that leads to the murder of the perpetrator one day by putting the entire address apart from the door number), our lives we're normal. We could discuss it when needed.

So I'm just wondering what is it for you about this crime that makes you angry with your partner?

Edited Thu July 7, 2022 10:01am

Distressed and pregnant

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November 2020

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Posted Thu July 7, 2022 10:31amReport post

For me my anger mostly comes from the lack of thought for me whilst he was offending. I was 3 months pregnant with his baby, a baby that was planned and for me was a massive sacrifice as I already had teenagers so was very much starting again. This has left me feeling unimportant, abandoned and struggling to trust anyone. I'm also angry that my parenting ability is questioned because of a crime he committed.

The lesser part of my anger but still right up there is that he knows my views on child abuse of any kind, a view I thought he shared. I suppose on reflection this side of things makes me angry and sad for the victims and also makes me question my own morals for choosing to consider rebuilding with him. Soul searching is uncomfortable and can present as anger xx

Christmas Chaos

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May 2022

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Posted Thu July 7, 2022 10:39amReport post

Distressed and pregnant my feelings are the exact same. He was offending when I was pregnant with our first child who we waited years for. He left me downstairs alone everynight after work to go upstairs studying (and it turns out also chatting to lots of women online and sending/receiving explicit videos). I had just come home from the hospital after giving birth and the knock happened. Its the fact he never thought of us at any point. He has said when he was in that dark place he didn't even feel guilty. Hard to forgive


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Posted Thu July 7, 2022 10:56amReport post

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Edited Thu July 7, 2022 11:00am


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Posted Thu July 7, 2022 10:58amReport post

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Edited Thu July 7, 2022 11:00am


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Posted Thu July 7, 2022 11:09amReport post

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Edited Thu July 7, 2022 5:03pm

Distressed and pregnant

Member since
November 2020

942 posts

Posted Thu July 7, 2022 11:22amReport post

Yes xxx I can relate to this. Single mom with little practical support so no nights out for me or even the opportunity for a drink in the house with friends incase baby needs me in the night. He can go out whenever he wants to and actually has more freedom than I do which is bizarre as I've done nothing wrong xx


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March 2022

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Posted Thu July 7, 2022 11:44amReport post

It's so hard isn't it . My partner is anti social and doesn't go out or drink anyway . But I've always gone out maybe once aweek to socialise while he baby sat . And having another child I knew it would be hard but we would take it in turn to have some alone time but noop. Also got a Labrador before hand now I can barley eveen walk her :( xx


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Posted Thu July 7, 2022 2:37pmReport post

@blackhound, I have a teenage daughter with autism. She has always been quite resilient to things, I describe it as her putting things in a box and locking them away. An initial situation may upset her but it never lasts longs before she appears to have locked her negative feelings away. I envy her for being able to do that.


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Posted Thu July 7, 2022 2:46pmReport post

I can't imagine my partner not being able to go out ect I really don't want things to get to that . Im having a bad week to much time to think and to many family coffees ect and the guilt sat there thinking soon they will be affected by this asweell. I will have to wait 4-5 months for charges the solicitor said and I'm not sure how I can do another day . The public ect and what all comes next scares me to death I want to run away . I want us to be free to walk about with no worries :(


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March 2022

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Posted Thu July 7, 2022 3:01pmReport post

It's awfull for you and your husband . I feel so sorry for my partner as it is I couldn't imagine seeing him worry everyday about stepping out the door . Live stream is just in thinkable I can't imagine why anybody would be so cruel. Least he has a great support in you Lee

My town is gossip central I'm assuming we'll have to move far far away but then both be jobless :/

Upset mum

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June 2020

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Posted Thu July 7, 2022 3:55pmReport post


As always your honesty and pure emotion gets me all the time, I see how much help advise and support you give to everyone here but yet what you have been through and how much you have rebuilt is inspiring to so many of us

And it is so good to hear how far you have all come in the horrendous journey

Thank you x


Member since
October 2020

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Posted Thu July 7, 2022 5:57pmReport post


Haya distressed,

It's sad to hear that you were 3 months pregnant when this happened, even more so to know you already had teenagers. Life could not have dropped anything more difficult on your plate. Have you you sort any help for your feelings of abandonment and lack of trust because of this? It seems that social services lump everyone in the same book regardless of their are crime, which is entirely unfair.

It's interesting that you say it makes you question your morals because this is something I can totally relate to as well. Now that my family friends and basically everyone knows what when on I have to figure out a way, potentially through therapy to overcome the shame. Given that we have not had an easy ride so far, it makes me wonder is it worth it?

Truer words have never spoken, you are right soul searching is so uncomfortable. But I know we it's something we need to do do regardless of the crime committed


Member since
October 2020

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Posted Thu July 7, 2022 6:01pmReport post

hey Christmas,

Sorry again to hear that you were pregnant as well. It's horrible to here that he was 'working' whilst you were pregnant...

Interesting, so he told you he didn't feel any guilt? My partner felt a world of guilt, even though it was a small amount of images. I can imagine it must be very difficult to forgive that given the lack of remorse it sounds like....

Upset mum

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June 2020

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Posted Thu July 7, 2022 6:34pmReport post

Evening Lee1969

That is one thing for sure this will not beat any of us

A journey I would never have imagined I would be on like many of us

A forum that gives so much to us all

You like many give us the knowledge and support to get us through this

Not a single person on here is judgemental

That in itself is so so important xx


Member since
October 2020

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Posted Thu July 7, 2022 7:00pmReport post

Lee I am so with you you on the fact that my partner doesn't have a life if outside of the house. He is currently with his parents, away from me and the dogs, we're on a trial separation and already blurring lines. His mental health I can tell is on the decline, he also has an alcohol tag for the next 2 months to monitor is drinking.

But the Silver lining is that your a solid team, which is wonderful to hear. It's something myself and my partner are only half of the time which is sad.

You're very brave to take on the life of a single mother for 17 months. Not many of us would be able to return after that. You say you're not angry but have you ever been angry in the past. It would be good to let others know that it's normal emotion. I hear you when you say you had to understand, I totally get that too because without understanding, where does that leave us. A lot of people spout on about supporting others and the mental health is very important but they don't take time to understand that there can be a dark side to mental health, they can be a dark side to a pressing things. I don't want to understand that's on them but what's not fair is the judgement that comes with that. And that doesn't mean that we don't have to look after ourselves as well as another victim of this crime. I have found throughout this process that I haven't looked after myself that I put myself second which is very very wrong. I am learning to put myself first, my wants and needs and as hard as it is, I need to keep it that way.

I wanted to point out that I'm very sorry your child covered in bruises, I hope that they are in a better place now and that you are in a better place too.

Anger is a powerful emotion but I won't repress it anymore, I will just reinvest it somewhere else because you are right we can't always be angry with our spouses, our children for the things they do, a compassionate approach to this topic is what's required for a full recovery and a permanent one too.

And don't worry you totally makes sense!

Distressed and pregnant

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November 2020

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Posted Thu July 7, 2022 7:04pmReport post


Yeah I've had counselling, hypnotherapy and have started the inform course. I think I've pushed a lot of my anger aside rather than dealing with it all right now. There are worse things that can happen, I do forgive him and know that any resentment I have needs to go before I make a decision about our relationship. I've said to him that I will not throw it at him in any arguments we have and so far I've been able to stick to that except on one occasion when he told me he didn't want to talk to me about what he'd done and I told him that I didn't want to be involved in any of it but I didn't get that choice xx


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October 2020

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Posted Thu July 7, 2022 7:12pmReport post

Xxx, I hope your week gets better, sometimes I to feel that there are just too many coffee chats in our lifetime. I really do hope that it goes as best as possible for you in a few months time. It's very scary but then again so is everything where we don't know the outcome.

I would love for us to all be able to walk around without any worries, without having to to look and see who's around the corner and who knows. Yet there's a part of me that wants everyone to know because as soon as we moved to a new town, if we moved to a new town together, the fear will come back again.

There's a large part of me that wants to take on the depth of this crime on my shoulders and say that it's not all black and white, but I know that the simpltons out there won't understand.

There's a Ted x talk out there on this very subject matter by a woman in the Netherlands. The sun shut her down and she started receiving death threats from a wide variety of people just because of her stance on helping people, instead of locking them up throwing away the key.

I don't know what it will take but as long as the Jeffrey epstein's of the world exist, every single person who downloads an image in a dark place full of remorse and regret, self loathing and suicidal thoughts will all be lumped into the same category.

Let's hope as time goes on that more and more people are willing to sit down and discuss this difficult subject. No one advocates for the continuation these crimes but they will not just stop.I'm not afraid to say that my partner is not a paedophile, I'm not afraid to say that to someone if they were willing to sit and listen.


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October 2020

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Posted Thu July 7, 2022 7:27pmReport post

Hey distressed,

HHas the therapy works for you, even if a little bit? I can emphasise and understand with pushing the anger aside rather than dealing with it right now. I mean how does one deal with anger without shouting and screaming and facing the pain no one wants to?

Resentment is a difficult thing to address, I'm still addressing mine now because sometimes all I can see is him having his needs met, and me still waiting here to have mine met. That's partly why I'm taking some space for myself, just a small amount of the reason why. Given the space we've already had, which hasn't been a great deal yet, we've learned to talk in a way that's constructive and not destructive. I want to say that this is only because it's through messenger but that's belittling the progress that has been made.

We were even making strides in the bedroom, the strides that I wanted to make for a long time. Now I have to get over that shame again because everybody knows, everybody knows that when I am intimate with him, I am being intimate with a man who committed what society deems to be the worst crime. As a result that must mean but of course I'm attracted to children as well, but here's the thing neither of us are. My partner made a mistake and as a result things actually go to slightly better for him. Our sex life was pretty exotic before the court case but only after the crime was uncovered, so the task is getting over this shame again is gigantic.

It's so difficult to keep a level head during an argument, I should know I've had a lot of them. But distrssed please and to forgive yourself if you do slip, where are human at the end of the day, emotions and feelings Human nature.


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October 2020

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Posted Thu July 7, 2022 7:36pmReport post

Lee I can so understand being angry even before the arrest. I too had been deceived once by my partner, and it really really hurt. It was at the very start of our relationship and I found out, it was brutal because I too hit my partner that night, so hard it left a bruise. I'm past that now though, I know my behaviour and that behaviour is not acceptable.

But we talked about that again and again and again, I started to realise after this crime was uncovered and he was being honest, that all of this betrayal came from a place of great shame, guilt, insecurity, depression, confusion and self hatred. He didn't tell me either about the shame he felt when he reflected on what we now know to be by grooming. At the time all of his friends would have given him a pat on the shoulder and said well done mate, just because he's a male and she was a female, be a little bit older doesn't make it right.

Even though it takes horrific events for honesty to come forth, isn't it refreshing when it does?

It's so nice to hear that you don't let anger consume you, cos that's what I'm struggling with at the moment anger and heartbreak. I'm desperately trying to pull away and stay in that place where I don't get hurt again by him, saying to myself that I deserve better because I do. Just because I understand something doesn't mean that I forget it but it does mean that I can forgive it someday. Hoping that one day this will be a distant memory that I can acknowledge happened and let the thought pass.

I can say one thing about the little one, she'll grow up to be so strong just like you xx


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December 2021

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Posted Thu July 7, 2022 8:16pmReport post

I too have been incredibly angry at the fact that my husband now seems to have endless freedom (although sentencing is in a month so that may change) and I have regular visits from SS and I am a single mother with essentially now freedoms whatsoever.
I was always the more sociable of the two of us, so to have that whipped away in itself was hard. I also have 2 small children and it's so difficult to be alone with them and have the burden of looking after the house, dog, finances (he lost his job and was the main breadwinner) etc etc

Although I know without a shadow of a doubt that he would give anything to be here with us.
He has had no direct contact with our children for months and it's so hard, especially on my eldest who is 5... and it is cruel that SS lump everyone in together without actually looking at the details. I am now more angry with the agencies than I am with him.

He has done a lot of work on himself, and I know he is dedicated to being the father our children deserve

Sending you all a huge virtual hug and strength, we will get through this one way or another xxx


Member since
October 2020

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Posted Thu July 7, 2022 9:17pmReport post

Thanks Lee, Much appreciated as I prefer podcasts to reading ( I'm not a big fan of reading but listening) xx