Family and Friends Forum

Fighting VISOR

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Member since
December 2019

89 posts

Posted Sat July 9, 2022 9:10amReport post

So husband is currently in prison and due out in April.

His VISOR officer called me to return some of the items taken. To which I decided to have a conversation about a phone for husband.

ViSoR said basically thay their software doesn't work on android devices so he isn't allowed his phone. Does anyone know if he can have an IPhone. Does the software work on it?

VISOR said it was out solicitors fault about the SHOPO not being contested and thay we can't contest or change it now. But the reason they didn't was because he was sent to prison.

Can anyone advise or suggest options for me please?


Member since
April 2021

140 posts

Posted Sat July 9, 2022 9:18amReport post

We got told the same. We got told if he had an iPhone then to expect more checks and house calls as they will need to check more often because they can't monitor it with software.

There's no legal restriction on having an iPhone.etc as long as they know you have it.etc. Just ask the visor manager which clause he is referring to where it says your husband has to have an android phone. I suspect your visor manager is being lazy and would prefer an android phone as it makes his life easier, rather than being what you want.