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Struggling….not sure I can do it.

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Member since
August 2019

91 posts

Posted Sat July 9, 2022 1:08pmReport post


Sentencing is the end of this month, as mentioned on another thread my husband was coerced and bullied into pleading guilty. As he couldn't prove who had accessed the images etc then it had to be him. He still maintains it wasn't him, but we have no answers.

i just don't know if I have the strength to carry on any more. The past 4 years have been immense. The fear of it hitting the papers is terrifying me. I am aware that I have withdrawn socially and no longer want to go out or meet people. I go to work and I enjoy my job.

The only thing that stops me doing anything is my boys and that not having me around would devastating for them.


Member since
March 2022

439 posts

Posted Sat July 9, 2022 1:23pmReport post

Hi sorry you feel that way it's so horrible isn't it . I'm sat here with the kids hindinh inside because the nabours are out have a pool party and I just wish I had my old life back I don't think I can take much more of this am I an too still here because of the children. But when I hit my lowest point I think think what am I doing does what others think really matter noones here with we now . And reading others stories on here things will get better and can't go on forever. All you can do is tell people if it is in the media the truth and if they don't believe it it's there loss. Stay strong you can get through this xxx

Polly Pocket

Member since
May 2022

440 posts

Posted Sat July 9, 2022 1:25pmReport post

Hello Cornish,

I'm so sorry you are feeling so low and like you can't continue.

Please carry on. For your children. They need you and so does your husband. I understand you pain, it's unbearable. You have the added pain of your husband professing his innocence.

Take things slowly.. even if you get through this dark patch by just taking each next breath.

The media is a big topic on here at the moment, I think it's more frightening than the outcome itself in some ways and not having control over what people read is so soul destroying.

Keep on touch on here, lots of love x x x


Member since
July 2021

874 posts

Posted Sat July 9, 2022 5:17pmReport post


Sending hugs. It's outrageous it's gone on this long! I hope he gets treated more than fair and the amount of waiting is taken into consideration. This is so awful xxx

Upset mum

Member since
June 2020

2359 posts

Posted Sat July 9, 2022 5:40pmReport post


I am so sorry to hear you are struggling with all of this

The length of your journey is absolutely horrible

I like you have had thoughts of despair and thought I cant carry on but I am still here and so is my offending son

I dont know where the strength comes from but it does and you will get through this journey

Just wanted to send you strength and hugs xx


Member since
December 2021

633 posts

Posted Sat July 9, 2022 9:47pmReport post

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Edited Sun November 19, 2023 8:33pm