Family and Friends Forum

Phone monitoring

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Member since
February 2022

57 posts

Posted Tue July 12, 2022 7:48amReport post

Hi, it's been a while since I posted on here, a lot has been going on personally for me.

I have a quick question regarding phone monitoring software, I'm not sure if anyone can help.

My partner said he no longer wanted a mobile phone but decided in this day and age he'll probably need one. He was struggling with a serious porn addiction prior to being arrested and is currently having therapy to overcome it. So he's asked me to put a monitoring software on his phone, something like a parental control app where I can monitor everything he does to ensure he never falls back to the porn addiction. I'm just a bit worried that using apps like this won't be legal? I know you can do it for children under 18 but as he's an adult I'm now sure of the legality with it, even though he's asking for it and giving permission I'm still not sure whether using an app like that would be legal? Could anyone offer any advise please? We looked at apps such as Myspy and he said that is the kind of app he wants to have.


Member since
August 2019

240 posts

Posted Tue July 12, 2022 9:02amReport post

If he doesn't trust himself but feels the need for a phone, why not get a non smart phone. My husband got himself a phone that does nothing other than make phone calls and texts post arrest. Admittedly it does make some things a little harder, for example he'll go to the bank rather than use online banking, but he's managed for 3 years now with one. He'll only use the laptop when I'm around.

If he wants a smart phone then go with one of those apps that Lee suggested.