Family and Friends Forum

Brother sentenced - not heard from him since

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Member since
July 2022

1 post

Posted Mon July 18, 2022 9:08amReport post

My brother was sentenced on 5th July, since then I've not heard anything from him and I'm worrying like mad.

I know I'm on his phone contact list as the prison phoned me to confirm - this was about a day or so after he was sentenced. He hasn't phoned though and I don't know if something bad has happened or if he is just worried to phone because he is ashamed at his conviction and doesn't want to talk to us.

It took a week for me to get his prisoner number and I tried booking a visit but it was rejected online, I eventually got through on the phone but it turns out he only has my mum listed so I've booked her in for next week.

I then tried the email a prisoner service, I know the email has been sent and I chose the option to allow a response but haven't heard anything back - it has been 3 days. Is this normal?

Should I phone the prison welfare line to find out if he is OK or is this wait normal? I'm worried sick and so is my mum.

Sarah ??

Member since
January 2021

177 posts

Posted Mon July 18, 2022 9:48amReport post


It took around 3 weeks to establish contact as the prison we are involved with is so slow!

Keep sending emails and letters. They'll be getting through. In our prison they don't deliver them over weekends and then it takes AGEs for the reply to be processed. Perhaps you are just facing a slow system!

I'd phone safely custody. They checked in on my ex and called me back once they'd spoken to him.


Edited Mon July 18, 2022 9:49am


Member since
December 2021

890 posts

Posted Mon July 18, 2022 12:57pmReport post

Regarding emails, they can take some time to get through, even though they are shown as delivered to the prison, they may not have reached the person themselves. Some of mine (longer ones) have taken a week or so. The prison needs to check the content. It'll also take some time for a reply from him to be checked and sent to you.

If you are really worried you could call the safer custody team, they will check on him and report back, but what information other that "he's okay" they'll be able to give, I don't know.

Hopefully you'll find our more when your Mum visits.