Family and Friends Forum


Member since
June 2022

326 posts

Posted Sun July 17, 2022 11:00amReport post

I'm finding this weekend so tough. OH had his first therapy session yesterday which he found hard, SW visiting tomorrow and ICPC on Thursday.

We are both under so much pressure and trying to play happy families for the kids who don't have a clue anything is going on.

I'm starting to really resent my OH, he caused this yet I'm supposed to be supporting him and be his emotional punch bag. His problem behaviour stemmed from abusing narcotics so he also has NA every day and withdrawal.

I feel so isolated because no-one is there for me, I just have to smile and get on with it.


Member since
December 2021

633 posts

Posted Sun July 17, 2022 1:39pmReport post

Confused&worried, I have no hints and tips but I do understand what you are saying with trying to be normal for your family and feeling isolated. It's so hard if as in my case, your partner is the person you lean on when times are tough, but in this case they are the cause of the problem. There have been so many times when I have had to bite back saying "This is all your fault!"

I'm not sure where you are in this horrific process, but if it's early days, it does get better, although there are still ups and downs.

You're not on your own, though, everyone in this forum is standing shoulder to shoulder with you.


Member since
July 2019

394 posts

Posted Sun July 17, 2022 10:41pmReport post

I totally get you it seems we are the restricted ones, living a lie keeping a smile on our faces I'm a way down the line and it's getting to be exhausting kids seem to think dads amazing and fun and I'm the one going crazy!!

Are we better for having him in our lives?? I'm still trying to work it out.

Sending you huge hugs x