Family and Friends Forum

Anonymity on Electoral Register

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Member since
April 2022

35 posts

Posted Sun July 24, 2022 8:41amReport post

Hi Everyone,

I just wondered whether anyone else has gone down the route of applying for anonymity on the Electoral Register.

my autistic son (23yr) was stung by vigilantes - extremely traumatic, back in April . We think they tracked him down via the electoral register. I'm terrified if his name and address is released to the media that this may make him a target again!

any thoughts on this from you wonderful people?

Edited Sun July 24, 2022 8:42am


Member since
April 2022

35 posts

Posted Sun July 24, 2022 9:42amReport post

Hi Lee
Strange thing is , we moved house so I'm not sure how all this IP thing works but can't see any other way they did it!

apparently with the Electoral Register , anyone can go into a public library and ask to see the complete register , even if you are not on the open register !

or so I'm led to believe from all my enquiries .


Member since
April 2022

35 posts

Posted Sun July 24, 2022 10:20amReport post


thank you so much. Yes he was on social media . We know from an old neighbour that they tried to call to our old house but didn't know the number.
also, apparently the tried to track him down for 5 hours , by the time they got here it was 9pm . They drove 5 hrs to get here. They were so aggressive by the time they got here banging on all the neighbours doors one of them came back and apologised for his 'colleagues' aggression.

also they used a tactic whereby they put a post on the local fb page to say he was missing, I think to try and elicit a response from anyone in the area who might give them a clue as to where we moved to. That's when we think they switched tactics.

once they had achieved their mission they reposted to say he had been found !

all very distressing


Member since
April 2022

35 posts

Posted Sun July 24, 2022 10:36amReport post

What is included on the Online Safety Bill , am I right that they will ban the online streaming of it all? We asked the police to stop them and they just said they warlord within an inch of the law so not doing anything illegal. Even the fact that the stream included our car number plates was allowed to happen and police wouldn't intervene.

I still don't get how they knew the number of our house if they didn't look at the register though !


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December 2021

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Posted Sun July 24, 2022 10:53amReport post I believe gets information from the electoral roll. They don't publish the full address, but seems it is "available" but I think they'd need to know his full name and likely the town he lives in. If I search my name and down you can see my full name and who I've lived with, when and where.

Social media leaves a trail of data and images that can provide information to people wanting to join the dots. For example even with a closed social media account, my house could be found by joining up dots. For example - A parents commenting on one of my profile pictures maybe saying "Proud of my daughter" they could then maybe go to my parents accounts and see a picture of them dropping a gift to me during lock down which shows the outside of my house. That is just one way and with my social media being relatively well locked down.

I can't believe the effort these people go to, to find people.

Edited Sun July 24, 2022 10:54am


Member since
April 2022

35 posts

Posted Sun July 24, 2022 11:02amReport post

What sad empty lives these people lead. Just to get their kicks from comments and likes.

thank you lee for your input, there is no where else to turn. Although I have to say Social Services have been fantastic in their support and advice for my son. He will soon be getting 1-1 support worker and loads of other help .

this forum has been an amazing source of advice and support

Upset mum

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June 2020

2359 posts

Posted Sun July 24, 2022 11:52amReport post

I cannot even imagine the whole live streaming and the impact

The length these idiots go to just for 5 mins of fame but the sheer devastation they leave in there path is truly heartbreaking for the individual and there families xx