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Media at the crown court

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July 2022

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Posted Mon July 25, 2022 7:37pmReport post

As partners and families of those charged, not only do we have to deal with the anxiety and stresses of the court and the sentencing, but also the possibility of the media attending the court and reporting on the case.

I am terrified about the media reporting, mainly due to the awful road we live on where there is lots of crime, including gun crime.

Unfortunately I know there is nothing we can do about the media being there, and I know we can't control what happens next.

But I am just wondering how many saw the media at the crown court? Does anyone have a positive story where the media didn't attend? And is there any way at all to stop the media either being there or reporting the address?

The worst thing that could happen would be if they printed our address. I am genuinely scared for our safety.

Distressed and pregnant

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November 2020

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Posted Mon July 25, 2022 8:01pmReport post


Ours was during covid so media were there via video link. I didn't actually go as I was in slow labour. Not much has come of him being in the media, I was kept in hospital due to midwives reading the article and wanting to contact ss due to him being released in the week I gave birth. He is struggling for work which he attributes in part to the Google effect.

So much of this journey is out of our control, which is probably the part I struggle with most. Unfortunately you will predominantly read posts on here where it did go into the media as it's similar to reviews on trip advisor, you don't tend to post positive experiences. I can honestly say that the thought of the media coverage was so much worse than the actual reality. I hope that someone can offer advice but from what I've seen it is very much potluck. Sometimes if you have children they may leave the address out, it's never the full address anyway just the road name and area. My person has an unusual surname and his family is well known in the area and haven't had any repercussions xx

Upset mum

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June 2020

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Posted Mon July 25, 2022 8:13pmReport post


My sons case in court there were no media however the police very kindly posted it on there own page and it was then shared by many, the media went for the jugular and it was exaggerated beyond belief

We have had no problems as such and to be honest the fear before the media to what we experienced has been less fretful and a couple of days later it was old news

He has lost friends but we cannot control people's choices xx


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June 2021

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Posted Tue July 26, 2022 2:16amReport post

My person was one of good story about that.

There was no reporting whatsoever, zero, zilch, nada. I spent a lot of time worrying about it when it came to nothing.

However what Lee says is true, your person needs to remove themselves from all forms of social media ASAP. Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, the lot. If you can, do it too, if you can't (I though it'll look suspicious) take all your persons pictures out, put your privacy settings as high as possible, and if you share name, change it to either a maiden name or just put just your main name in. Also don't add anyone new and limit your use and posting.

Fingers crossed that just like my case, yours come to nothing x

Smile through tears

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September 2021

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Posted Tue July 26, 2022 4:00amReport post

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Edited Fri July 29, 2022 4:32am


Member since
July 2022

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Posted Tue July 26, 2022 7:22amReport post

My son's case was reported in the media same day as his court case.

We live in an area where the local rag LOVES this kind of story as it regularly appears. He has lost a lot of friends over this + his job ..... I have to say these past few weeks since this appeared have for me been the worse. I in no way condone what he did but he admitted his guilt from the beginning has had lots of counseling & done the courses through LFF and privately and been sentenced by the courts..... Having it splashed over a mediocre local paper is just unnecessary.

I have put in a formal complaint through the press complaints committee due to inaccuracies in the story, I await a decision.

Smile through tears

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September 2021

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Posted Tue July 26, 2022 8:40amReport post

Hi Sadmom,

it is so unfair. What got me is everything good in a persons life is now ripped to shreds by the media hounds, you are tarnished with this crime full stop.

it is truly wrong.


Member since
October 2020

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Posted Tue July 26, 2022 8:44amReport post


Please take this with a while load of seriousness. Leave that road. As soon as you can.

I too lived ) still love on a road that's considered rough. No guns but council based gypsies and what not. Theres also a lot of really lovely people as well here, not right at all. Nice families and what not. It cam out two weeks later, online and in the paper and was a very small small two paragraph, third article down amongst everything else.

Everything went south. My partner no longer lives here as he's been told 'hes the one they're after' ... Lynch mob type stuff. I was called a peadophile, nonce and enabler for not leaving. I had food thrown at my door and a nice to ittle note tell him to kill himself.

This was three Cat C images. They used the word making. No one on the street heard me out when it happened. They came back and asked, so I told them. They still told me he isn't to come around here because they will go after him. I genuinely thought the media would not be there are all. They were not, but they did get passed the court listing and results hence why the article appeared two weeks later.

The media use the word 'Making' as opposed to download. That make everything a lot more dangerous.

I cannot stress enough, if you think your road is rough, leave immediately. Do not return if there's a chance that the media will be there.

Godluck and be safe.


Member since
July 2019

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Posted Tue July 26, 2022 3:06pmReport post

There was reporter at my partners hearing, so it got reported. Luckily he was living away with work, so it was that address that he listed as his address. Sadly the reporter called his former place of work for a statement, so word got out quickly for a certain section of friends and colleagues. You want to do a google image search, and get any images removed that are public, and anything on social media too. Depending on his job, it may be hard to remove all internet traces. It makes it more of a story if they have an image. Sadly they got an image of my partner. Neighbours and others didn't find out until almost a year later, but we were moving by then, and the people closest too us were actually good about it. Still in contact with some. It has necessitated a name change for him, and a move though.

Get him to remove any images online of him, and info that you do not want. It probably depends on how unusual his name is, as to whether they would find anything.

Consider what to do at court. Maybe check out the building, is there a toilet cubicle he can hide for several hours, to avoid any reporter. Someone bring him a change of clothes. It's hard to know what to do with that.

The judge asked about his occupation and his work, and the solicitor did as we requested, gave a vague answer, about working in an international company or someting. Sadly the judge looked at the pre-sentence report and asked, does he still work at X. Naming the company, with a little nod to the journalist. So maybe think carefully about what he says to whom. Anything written in the reports can be read out.

I tortured myself about what I should have done or not done. But it's impossible to know in reality. I know many people don't make it to the media though, I think we were unlucky


Member since
July 2022

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Posted Tue July 26, 2022 10:29pmReport post

Thank you so much for all of your lovely responses and advice.

We are looking to move out before the crown court, purely because of the road we live on.

I'm so sorry to hear what some of you have experienced. Similar to you, Blackhound, there are also a lot of families and nice people on our road, but it attracts those causing the crimes. With the date looming it is becoming very stressful to try and get everything prepared for all outcomes, including trying our best to move out before the date.

It frustrates me how the media exaggerate just for a better "story", and that they say that they "have" to publish the address because it is in the publics best interest. But we are also the public, so our safety and mental health should also matter? Especially the families and partners of those charged. Sorry to rant, I am very anxious.

But as all of you lovely people say, unfortunately it is all out of our control. We can only try and control how we deal with it, one day at a time. Sadmom, I really hope you get some good news re the decision around the article and things start to look up soon.

We have removed all our social media so hopefully that helps somewhat.

But Zack, I can't believe the judge purposely brought up his company's name, that's awful. I just don't see how that is fair. It's as though the system wants people to lose their jobs or be forced out of their jobs and also tarnish the company's name as well. I don't understand :(


Member since
May 2021

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Posted Tue July 26, 2022 10:42pmReport post

Hi Green

There was no media at the crown court when my ex was sentenced and it didn't appear in the papers due to it being near to the jubilee. My ex moved out of his mums house and rented a room in the the next county before he went to the magistrates and stayed there until he went to the crown court . This meant that it was this address that appeared in the papers after the magistrates, a small section on page 4 and so neither my address or his mums were linked to his actions.

I thought that because of the large number of images it would be front page, however not all get into the papers.

Hope this helps, bereft x


Member since
July 2022

45 posts

Posted Wed July 27, 2022 10:39pmReport post

Thank you bereft. I've heard moving to a different county helps with things like this and the media, but sadly we haven't been able to do that. Taking each day as it comes and will see what happens next once we have both moved elsewhere!


Member since
September 2021

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Posted Thu July 28, 2022 12:10amReport post

Hello, we are coming up to nearly two weeks since my partner was sentenced. There was no media present and to date nothing has been reported in the local press. I am just hoping this continues. My partner got a suspended sentence, rehab course, community service, SHPO and SOR. The local police page only seems to publicise cases concluding with prison sentences.

My partner had a low number of images (10 across all categories but 5 were A) but he was in a public role at the time of arrest so we did wonder whether this would be deemed newsworthy (though offending never occurred at/via work or involved service users).

Ultimately it seemed the local paper had sent its reporting team to a neighbouring crown court to cover a more high profile trial occurring on the same day my partner was sentenced.

I think you just have to take into account all the cases coming through the courts at any one time, the lack of resources the local reporting team has to cover everything and just be prepared for every scenario as best you can.

all the best


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March 2022

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Posted Thu July 28, 2022 7:03amReport post

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Edited Tue October 24, 2023 9:12am


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Posted Thu July 28, 2022 7:39amReport post

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Edited Wed November 8, 2023 7:00pm


Member since
November 2019

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Posted Fri July 29, 2022 11:21amReport post

My son too has an unusual surname, how do you get images removed from google.


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March 2021

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Posted Fri July 29, 2022 9:47pmReport post

My husbands was reported in a local paper. Unfortunately my neighbour read it and spread it around our village (we lived in a small village). I've learned to realise there are really good people in this world. The people that love gossip will continue to gossip, and are not worth knowing. Good people will come forward and support you. Pick who you trust and who yu want close to you xxx