Family and Friends Forum

We finally have news

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Member since
July 2022

17 posts

Posted Thu August 4, 2022 6:05amReport post

So after a week of emailing and calling anyone and everyone, his grandparents and I managed to get his prisoner number and the prison he is held at. We even managed to go on the website and book a vist close to his birthday and we hope to get that day or any of the days we selected, we just want to see him.

On the bad news side, people at my work place have seen the vare in the new and they are talking about it. I am afraid I can lose my job due to this... In more depressing news I found out I was pregnant the same day I had a miscarriage, news that i haven't allowed myself to really process... all I did was brush it off like it never happened.

Some of our friends showed up being supportive but quickly after that decided to not be and block me....

All in all, I try to focus on the positive especially now that in 3 days we will know if we can see

Sending my love to all of you xx


Member since
March 2022

965 posts

Posted Thu August 4, 2022 6:19amReport post

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Edited Tue October 24, 2023 9:12am


Member since
July 2022

431 posts

Posted Fri August 5, 2022 9:46pmReport post

I have had a friend of many years block me, this hurt more than anything especially as I have not done anything wrong. But I have got a couple of people who I thought would not understand be supportive. I am seeing a friend that I have not seen since all of this started in a couple of day which I am nervous about. Though our case has been in the news so there is a chance they already know. Just crossing my fingers that is goes well. I just tell myself that I do not have any control of this and just hope for the best. X


Member since
July 2022

17 posts

Posted Sun August 7, 2022 12:13pmReport post

Unfortunately, he only added his grandmother on it. When I found out, I was gutted, his grandmother was in shock and his granddad was angry.

She wrote to him asking for me and his grandad to be added, we know he received her letter as she's got a letter back from him... we got no explanation as to why he didn't added me or his granddad, he did ask his nan to look after me and our dogs and told her he wrote me a letter as he did not remember the number. Unfortunately i haven't received any letters from him... I am thinking post might be delayed or he is allowed to send one letter a week to an approved contact... who knows.

We gonna write him another letter to let him know we received his first one, we gonna add my details so he can give then my number to be approved and he can call me. Also his grandmother has booked a visit for the 16th so at least someone gets to see how he is.