Family and Friends Forum

Re interview?

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Member since
February 2022

57 posts

Posted Thu August 4, 2022 10:10amReport post


We're now 6 months since the knock, we haven't heard anything from the police since the knock.

My partner has received a call today from the police to ask him to come in for another interview next week. (He initially gave a no comment interview on the day he was arrested)

does this mean that they've now found something else? We're both really panicking. He's emailed his solicitor to find out anymore info but hasn't heard back.


Member since
March 2022

965 posts

Posted Thu August 4, 2022 11:10amReport post

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Edited Tue October 24, 2023 9:12am


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April 2021

644 posts

Posted Thu August 4, 2022 12:33pmReport post

He may or may not get charges too, my person did in second interview make sure he has a solicter with him even if police insist you don't need one


Member since
February 2022

57 posts

Posted Thu August 4, 2022 1:11pmReport post

Thank you both for getting back to me.

his solicitor is going to be there, they emailed him and let him know before he was even aware of the Interview. They told him it was regarding downloads on his devise as they've now finished downloading all of the data from his phone. We knew photos were download on his phone as the police saw them the day they came to the house and arrested him. Praying it's not because they've found more. At the time he was arrested there were around 25 images all Cat C. He was told this by his solicitor before his first interview on the day he was arrested.

Police told him on the phone that he'll only be there for an hour to and hour and a half.

but we're both panicking now. My partner said he can't remember what would've been on his phone. He said he never downloaded things and kept them stored on his phone. The 25ish images the police found were all downloaded by accident and he tried to remove them straight away but forgot they stay in the "deleted items" folder, that's where the police found them. He said he can't think of where else there would be downloads because he never downloaded things on purpose. But from reading this forum I know that things can be kept in caches and thumbnails so I don't know whether there's now more images that have been found :( .. or if he's even telling me the truth

I really hope not. My partner has been doing quite well. He's been seeing a therapist for his porn addiction and has been really enjoying it. I hope this doesn't ruin all the progress he's been making.


Member since
February 2022

57 posts

Posted Thu August 4, 2022 1:43pmReport post

Hi Lee, thank you for your response.
yes we are aware the police will find anything that is and has been downloaded. However, my partner can't remember what would've been on there so now we're in a panic having to wait until the middle of next week to find out. the stuff the police saw on his arrest day was Cat C but we doesn't know if there will be other cats and that's what we're panicking about. The solicitor said they'd go over everything before the interview but it's the panic and stress of waiting to find out.