Family and Friends Forum


Member since
September 2021

7 posts

Posted Sat August 6, 2022 12:35amReport post

Hello - just wondering if anybody has experience of a convicted person using a laptop issued from an employer? My partner has been sentenced and had to register his phone and personal laptop with police. The police plan to install monitoring software on these items. They just have a note of the serial numbers of an old PC and my own work issued laptop. My partner has had a number of temporary work assignments via an agency since being released under investigation. He has now been offered a temp working from home job with a work issued laptop. He did not have to disclose convictions as part of the application. I know the police need to be aware of the additional device but will they want to install monitoring software on his work laptop? Obviously this will mean the employer will need to be informed and the opportunity will be revoked.

Not sure if relevant but offending was all phone based. Thanks.


Member since
December 2019

499 posts

Posted Sat August 6, 2022 9:59amReport post

During lockdown my partner had to bring his worktop from work to the home. All the police wanted was the serial number and said that monitoring software is expected on work computers and so didnt need to inform his work or request tracking.

What worries me is you mentioned the police have the serial numbers to your own laptop? Is that because your partner can have access?, E.g. Knows your password. I haven't had to give my details to the police, just assured them my partner doesn't know my passwords.

I would question why they have your details, and up to you but I would be minded to ask them to remove the details.


Member since
September 2021

7 posts

Posted Sat August 6, 2022 11:38amReport post

Thanks for your reply! I will check with my partner what happened - basically the police came on an unannounced visit and I left the room, my work laptop was on the side so I think they saw it and asked about it and my partner gave them the details. He doesn't know the passwords to it. I'm not sure if they took a serial number as such or just noted it as an existing device in the house that they don't need to monitor.