Family and Friends Forum

Crown Court Experience and Outcome

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Member since
April 2021

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Posted Sat August 6, 2022 6:39amReport post

It's taken me a few days to be able to write this as my heads been all over the place! We now have the result which I will say first.

Reported in local media but no photo yet. Hopefully this will not come later.

CAT A, B AND C images and prolific web history.

12 months suspended sentence

40 hours rehabilitation

No contact with under 16s unless disclosure and permission given.

10 years On the register and 10 years reporting whereabouts to probation officer. Including random spot checks and home visits.

costs of about 500 pounds I think too.

Many character References and the fact that myself and my sister attended the court saved him from a custodial sentence.

I won't sugar coat it, attending Crown Court was horrendous. It finally became real and to hear the descriptions does bring it home just how awful it is. That said the judge was extremely fair and thorough.

Our barrister told us that you will think it's going to go one way, then another and until the last second you will not know. This was absolutely true. When he read out the sentence we were convinced it was custodial, then he referred to the references and the fact that my sister and I were in court and decided to suspend the sentence for 2 or 3 years (I can't remember which). Being in the court felt like I was watching something on the TV, I still didn't feel like it was something that was happening to us.

It has changed the way I feel though, and my Sister, MASSIVELY! We had a pity and sympathy before (that we struggled with because we couldn't understand why) but now we are just angry, so bloody angry! For us, for our Mother and brother. I just need some time now to process it all. All I can think about is the suffering of those little children and how would he feel if someone did that to him! It's absolutely horrific.

only time will tell how I will deal with it longer term I guess.

Edited Sat August 6, 2022 6:54am


Member since
April 2022

40 posts

Posted Sat August 6, 2022 8:31amReport post

Thank you for feeling able to share this. I can't begin to imagine how you feel. I can totally understand your feelings and need to take time. I hope for you you find some peace and answers in that time.

I get the feeling of anger. That seems to be all I can feel towards my oh. It's like a rollacoster of im emotions. Only 6 months into this a fear for a very long journey.

take care of you big hugs


Member since
April 2021

18 posts

Posted Sat August 6, 2022 11:29amReport post

Thanks so much Sparrow. FYI ours took 16 months beginning to end.


Member since
November 2020

87 posts

Posted Mon August 8, 2022 3:28pmReport post

Hi Sandy

can I ask why it made a difference you and your sister being there?
so if no one goes to crown court for them will judge give harsher sentence? Xx


Member since
November 2019

107 posts

Posted Tue August 9, 2022 8:25pmReport post

I personally do not think it makes any difference, when my son went to crown court, I was there , as well my husband and my sister but he still got a custodial.I would have taken the whole familf including my elderly parents if i thought it would stop him form being sent away.


Member since
December 2021

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Posted Sat August 13, 2022 11:47amReport post

Hi Sandy, I just wanted to say that the worst descriptions of the images found were read out at the plea hearing in magistrates and I wasn't prepared for it neither. I wanted to be sick, a gasped, I cried, I couldn't look at him or talk to him for days. He thought then that there was no going back as I hated him too much. I needed time to process it, in reality I knew what the categories meant but it was still a shock hearing the description. The book called your brain on porn may help you as not all offenders have an interest in children. I still hate him for what he's done but we are trying to work things out.

Re family at court. I think our court must have been set up differently - there was a section for family only at one side and a section for public gallery at the other, so it was obvious who we were, I definitely think it helped having me and our parents there and I couldn't stop crying I was a mess x


Member since
July 2022

45 posts

Posted Sat August 13, 2022 2:54pmReport post

Sandy I'm sorry you had to go through that experience, but I completely get how you're feeling. I'm feeling very similar after attending the court. It felt like I was watching a tv drama. And I'm feeling very different and confused after hearing everything. Definitely haven't processed it yet and not sure how to.

JayJay we were sat in the public galary, although no one else was there, and we had been told beforehand by the barrister that we weren't allowed to cry or gasp because it could look worse for him! This was the hardest thing. Hearing everything in the worst possible way, seeing him sat there in that box, and not being allowed to show any emotion. I just felt numb. I'm struggling and feel sick and still anxious inside, but I still haven't cried, and I don't know why.


Member since
December 2021

695 posts

Posted Sat August 13, 2022 11:44pmReport post

We weren't given any guidance or advice on what to expect or how to react, but we did get the best possible sentence - weeks rather than months, suspended x

Life feels over

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September 2022

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Posted Thu September 22, 2022 8:59amReport post

This particular thread was just what I needed to read this morning as I was so concerned that me not being in Court would have a negative impact. I will state why in my statement to The Judge or whatever the correct term is. What is the correct term and what do you write?

Our adult daughter is neurodivergent and has all manner of mental health issues including self harm (worse now than before the knock) and suicidal tendencies. I will not leave her alone to attend Court & couldn't put her through being there.

Edited Thu September 22, 2022 9:00am

Smile through tears

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September 2021

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Posted Thu September 22, 2022 12:44pmReport post

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Edited Fri September 23, 2022 6:05pm