Family and Friends Forum

Breach of SHPO

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August 2021

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Does anyone know/have experience of what happens in the event of a minor breach of the SHPO?

My husband has an SHPO which just restricts his Internet use. In a panic trying to order some online concert tickets, he downloaded a browser which deletes/disguises the browsing history. He realised and didn't fully install it, but it got picked up by the police monitoring software. They took away his laptop, interviewed him and have returned the laptop (they only kept it for about a week). He has deleted the browser (the police said they would but they didn't).

Now all we can find out is that it's still "under investigation".

I'm assuming the police (or the CPS?) could decide to prosecute and he would be up before the magistrates court, or they could decide no further action?

Any insights would be most welcome - I couldn't find anything via a search of the forum.

Posted Sun August 7, 2022 12:16pmReport post


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August 2021

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Thank you very much Lee

He has got some precautions I think but not sure anything would have helped in that scenario? We are using the "Accountable to You" software which I read about on the forum.

Again, grateful for any suggestions on precautions, I could do without worrying that he's inadvertantly going to attract the police's attention. I don't think he's trying to evade any controls - he knows I'll leave if he accesses images again for one thing - but he really needs to not make any more mistakes.



Posted Mon August 8, 2022 8:59amReport post


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December 2019

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As mentioned it depends on the police if they want to pursue. How long has he had the SHPO?

My partner breached the condition of no contact with under 16 without consent of parents and SS. Made the mistake thinking it meant being alone with a child and that me supervising would be ok.

The police took no further action, not really sure why. I think it was because he was very near the end of his sentence and the 'punishment' was having to disclose and go through the heart ache of that.

Posted Mon August 8, 2022 5:23pmReport post


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August 2021

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Thanks both

Majestictopaz - he's about one year in of a 5 year SHPO and 18 month probation. I suspect as you say, the police are considering the threat of further action a part of the punishment.

Hopefully he's learned his lesson about browsers and I can relax.



Posted Fri August 19, 2022 4:23pmReport post


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Posted Sat August 20, 2022 7:43am
Edited Tue October 24, 2023 9:12amReport post


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December 2019

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Seems so unfair you still don't have an answer on the outcome. Once the breach was found out we had it resolved within two weeks. However the police did warn they might change their mind and say my partner has to disclose to all my family with kids- I pushed this back because I have family members I barely see.

I hope they see it was a mistake and not intentional. Maybe every few months he can re read the conditions to make sure he keeps them fresh in his mind. That is what my partner's PO recommended

Posted Sat August 20, 2022 8:08pmReport post


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August 2022

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How and what sites should be blocked?

I am scared stiff to even look anything up on Google in connection with all of this stuff for advice etc, because I don't want anything coming back to me (as though I'm up to no good, if that makes any sense).

Posted Tue October 18, 2022 2:19amReport post


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Posted Tue October 18, 2022 6:19am
Edited Tue October 24, 2023 9:12amReport post

SHPO - Breach of order

Member since
November 2024

1 post

My partner is currently on a SPHO. one of the order is not delete the history on his device. When using his tablet I believe i accidently delete the history on it. I am not sure but I realised this when the police last visited to check his devices. I have explained what i think happened and how i might have deleted the history by mistake. They took the tablet away and said it will be investigated and it may take up to 3 months. We are confident there is nothing on the tablet nor on its history.

I am worried that the police is unable to retrieve the history and I am accused of breaching my partner's order, accident or not. Can you advise what happens in this situation? Can the police retrieve the history ? If not, can I be prosecuted ? Or can my partner be prosecuted because it is his device and hence responsibility?

Posted Mon November 4, 2024 12:36pmReport post


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March 2022

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The police could not prosecute you, as you have no restrictions. They would find it difficult to prosecute your OH, if it was you who deleted the history.

The police can recover history by going to the ISP and requesting it, although they probably won't bother, unless they find something illegal on the device.

Posted Tue November 5, 2024 10:57amReport post

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